Cuprate superconductor - Wikipedia
Cuprate superconductors are a family of high-temperature superconducting materials made of layers of copper oxides (CuO 2) alternating with layers of other metal oxides, which act as charge reservoirs. At ambient pressure, cuprate superconductors are the highest temperature superconductors known.
The culprit of superconductivity in cuprates - Harvard John A.
Oct 10, 2018 · In cuprate superconductors, oxygen ions sit like buoys above each atom in the copper-perioxide plane. These buoys ripple the surface of the lattice, pushing electrons out of the plane, like splashes in the water.
Cuprates - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cuprates are layered materials consisting of copper (Cu) and oxygen (O) atoms, with charge reservoirs between the crystal planes. These materials exhibit superconductivity, which is believed to arise from electron-electron interactions in the CuO2 planes.
Cuprate - Wikipedia
Cuprates are a class of compounds that contain copper (Cu) atom (s) in an anion. They can be broadly categorized into two main types: 1. Inorganic cuprates: These compounds have a general formula of XYCumOn. Some of them are non-stoichiometric. Many of these compounds are known for their superconducting properties. [citation needed] .
Superconducting Cuprates - Harvard University
There are three main families of hole-doped cuprate high temperature superconductors studied today. However, much of the confusion in the study of HTSC results from the fact that each material is accessible to different experimental techniques.
al point of view the cuprates are a subclass of the so-called perovskite materials. The original perovskite is CaTiO3, and rather generally the formula can be written as ABO3, where A is a divalent cati.
Unusual behavior of cuprates explained by heterogeneous charge ...
Here, we present a phenomenological model of the cuprate phase diagram that respects the experimental observation of universal underlying Fermi-liquid behavior and combines it with spatially inhomogeneous (de)localization-induced changes in the itinerant hole density.
Cuprate - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cuprates are layered materials with one or more crystal planes consisting of Cu and O atoms (two O per Cu), and charge reservoirs between them. Superconductivity is widely believed to originate from electron-electron interactions in these CuO2 planes.
and later it turned to superconducting material. This paper we discussed chemical structure of cuprate superconductors, their behavior in brief and theories which suggest to explain it including BCS theory, t-j model , Hubbard model and novel theory which use to explai.
Cuprates - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Several families of cuprate superconductors have since been synthesized and characterized and the highest T c of 135 K is found in HgCa 2 BaCu 3 O 8. Under pressure the T c increases to 160 K. Most of the cuprate conductors have holes as charge carriers.