Crusader Swords For Sale - Dark Knight Armoury
Our selection includes many fully functional Crusader swords and decorative Crusader swords. The functional swords will hold up in re-enactments, while the decorative swords look great on display in any castle or medieval home.
The Crusader Sword (#1303) - Darksword Armory
The Crusader sword, like many of its historical counterparts, is regarded as the quintessential sword of the crusading knight. Richly ceremonial due to its symbolic shape, the Cruciform swords of the Crusading period were designed with proportions of perfection of form and harmony.
Crusader Swords and Templar Swords - Medieval Collectibles
Our selection includes many fully functional Crusader swords and decorative Crusader swords. The functional swords will hold up in re-enactments, while the decorative swords look great on display in any castle or medieval home.
The Crusader Sword Elite Series (#1612) - Darksword Armory
The Crusader sword, like many of its historical counterparts, is regarded as the quintessential sword of the crusading knight. Richly ceremonial due to its symbolic shape, the Cruciform swords of the Crusading period were designed with proportions of perfection of form and harmony.
First Crusade Sword (the Crusader) - Medieval Ware
The First Crusader Sword has a long, straight-edged, fullered blade, whose originals would have had maximum cutting power. Its blade is hand-forged by the master-smiths of Darksword Armory, as certified by the dragon sejant inscription close to the hilt.
The Story of a Crusader Sword - Biblical Archaeology Society
Jul 31, 2023 · How did a Crusader sword end up in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel? Was it an accident or the result of some great battle? While archaeologists don’t have all the answers, X-ray images of the 800-year-old blade revealed many intriguing features of …
35 Facts About Crusader Sword
Dec 21, 2024 · The Crusader sword stands out due to its historical significance, unique design, and the role it played during the medieval Crusades. These swords were not just weapons; they symbolized the knightly virtues of bravery, honor, and faith.
History of Crusader swords | Sword history
The swords used by the European Crusaders during the attack on what were known as the Holy Lands had become more than just crude weapons; possession of these swords conferred nobility upon the bearer, and it was such people who became knights for the Crusader armies.
Crusader Swords and Templar Swords - Dark Knight Armoury
We invite you to share in the experience of an era past with our collection of Crusader swords. All our Crusader Swords are expertly hand-crafted and authentic replicas! You can display them in your office, home or for Medieval Reenactments.
Crusader Swords - University of Michigan
The swords used by the Crusaders was the direct decendant of the Viking sword that originated in Scandinavia. The sword was made of two main parts. The Hilt consisted of the pommel and the crossguard.