Agriculture in Ethiopia - Wikipedia
Principal crops include coffee, pulses (e.g., beans), oilseeds, cereals, potatoes, sugarcane, and vegetables. Exports are almost entirely agricultural commodities, and coffee is the largest foreign exchange earner. Ethiopia is also Africa's second biggest maize producer. [6] .
Farming In Ethiopia, Agriculture Crops, Livestock
Dec 8, 2024 · A guide to farming in Ethiopia, agriculture crops in Ethiopia, vegetable production in Ethiopia, fruit production in Ethiopia, and livestock production in Ethiopia.
This paper presents an overview of crop agriculture, focusing mainly on cereal production. The next section describes area and production levels of the main agricultural crops, distribution of cultivated area by farm size and the importance of seasonal differentiation.
Ethiopia - Agricultural Sectors - International Trade Administration
Jan 18, 2024 · Agriculture is an essential driver of economic growth in the Ethiopian economy. Crop and livestock production account for roughly 65% and 25% of agricultural GDP. Improved inputs, enhanced management techniques, and expansion of irrigation farming help to boost agricultural output.
major crops grown, agro-ecological zones in Ethiopia, and implications for crop and pest management and finally outline some conclusions.
Overview Report -The Agricultural Sector of Ethiopia: An Analysis …
Oct 21, 2024 · The overview report explores the current situation of agriculture in Ethiopia, detailing its contributions, challenges and potential for development.
Ethiopia Production - USDA
Ethiopia Production. Sorted by Market Year (MY) 2024/2025. Click on the headers for sorting.
Boosting production and productivity will increase produce available for household consumption and for market, eliminating dependence on food aid. Cultivation of diverse crops will simultaneously improve nutrition and help preserve natural resources.
Crop production in Ethiopia: Regional patterns and trends
Jan 1, 2013 · Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum, and barley) are the core of Ethiopia's agriculture and food economy, accounting for about three-fourths of the total area cultivated, 29 percent...
Ethiopia - Major Staple Crops - Country Studies
Ethiopia's major staple crops include a variety of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and coffee. Grains are the most important field crops and the chief element in the diet of most Ethiopians. The principal grains are teff, wheat, barley, corn, sorghum, and millet.