Home - Crestview Local High School
Each year the Crestview Local School District provides transportation to its students living within the school district’s boundaries and selected bulk stops at the edges of our boundaries for our open enrolled students.
Home - Crestview Local Middle School
Each year the Crestview Local School District provides transportation to its students living within the school district’s boundaries and selected bulk stops at the edges of our boundaries for our open enrolled students.
Board of Education - Crestview Local High School
The Crestview Board of Education represents you, the citizens and taxpayers of our district, in establishing a sound educational philosophy, developing responsible financial plans and spending practices, encouraging quality instruction, and offering an appropriate curriculum.
Directory - Crestview Local Elementary School
The Crestview Local School hea ring officer for compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972; and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is the Superintendent. To file a complaint phone (330) 482-5526 or write to 44100 Crestview
Calendar - Crestview Local High School
The Crestview Local School hea ring officer for compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972; and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is the Superintendent.
Departments - Crestview Local Middle School
The Crestview Local School hea ring officer for compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972; and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is the Superintendent.
Quicklinks - Crestview Local High School
Crestview Local High School . The Heart of the Community. Quicklinks. Calendar; Employment; News; Directory; Business Advisory Council; Columbiana Community Foundation; ESSER 3 Funds 21-24; Imagination Library (Free monthly book for children 0-5) Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan;
About - Crestview Local Elementary School
It all started with One room school houses and evolved to where we are today. The district will continue to evolve as we move to a new centralized Prek-_ 12 campus soon. We, however, must take our history with us for all future generations! We have outstanding people that have walked through all these doors! GO REBELS!
News - Crestview Local High School
The Crestview Local School hea ring officer for compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972; and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is the Superintendent.
Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy - Crestview Local Elementary …
We are committed at Crestview to create a bully free environment. RESPECT for others plays a critical role in the development of REBELPRIDE with every student who attends CRESTVIEW. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call, email, or set an appointment to meet with any of our teachers, principals, and counselors.