Healthy Community Living (HCL)
The HCL Program provides trainings to organizations and individuals who want to facilitate curriculum-based workshops with community members with disabilities. The suite of …
Community Living Skills Training
The Community Living Skills (CLS) Facilitator Training teaches you how to conduct a workshop with people who want to build their independent living skills.
The Healthy Community Living (HCL) program is about all people having opportunities to live well and participate fully in their communities. The program is composed of two separate but …
Community Living Skills (CLS) is a ten-week workshop within the HCL program for people who want to build their independent living skills. Workshop participants can: • Build a support …
Community Living Skills
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Community Living Skills Facilitator Training
Community Living Skills (CLS) is a workshop within the HCL Program that teaches you how to conduct a workshop with people who want to build independent living skills. This training …
Trainings | Healthy Community Living
Teaches you how to conduct a workshop with people who want to build their independent living skills.
LWC Workshop Overview | Healthy Community Living
Discover tools and skills that can make goal achievement easier like communicating effectively and finding important resources; Explore ways to improve their overall health by changing …
Living Well in the Community Facilitator Training
Living Well in the Community (LWC) is a workshop within the HCL Program that teaches you how to conduct a workshop with people who want to set and work on quality-of-life goals. This …
Living Well in the Community Training
The Living Well in the Community (LWC) Facilitator Training teaches you how to conduct a workshop with people who want to set and work on quality of life goals.