Cold Face Emoji - Emojipedia
An icy-blue face with gritted teeth usually depicted with icicles clinging to its cheeks or jaw, as if frozen from extreme cold. May also represent unfriendline...
Cold Face Emoji: Meaning & Usage - EmojiTerra
The cold face emoji 🥶 features a blue face with gritted teeth and either icicles or snowflakes, symbolizing extreme cold or frostbite. Commonly used to express feelings of being very cold, it …
Cold Face Emoji — Meaning In Texting, Copy & Paste
Mar 3, 2024 · Cold Face emoji. Do you know what you will look like if you get stuck somewhere where it’s too Cold? Well, your face will be exactly like this emoji! So use it when you are …
Cold Face Emoji - Meaning, copy & paste | EmojiSymbols.net
The “🥶 Cold Face” emoji depicts a blue-tinted face with icicles and chattering teeth, representing extreme cold, freezing temperatures, or the feeling of being frozen. Often used to express cold …
Cold Face Emoji – Meaning and Pictures – EmojiGuide
🥶 Meaning: Cold Face. 🥶 This emoticon demonstrates that you are so cold that you turn blue and covered with frost, and your teeth are tapping the drum roll - all it means that you are frozen to …
Cold Face Emoji | Emojiguide
cold face 🥶 This emoji shows an icy-blue face with gritted teeth and icicles or snowflakes frozen onto its face. from extreme cold. 🥶 Cold Face is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 11.0 …
Cold Face emoji - Meaning, Copy and Paste
🥶 Cold Face has an ice-blue face, gritted teeth, and is usually covered with icicles on his chin or cheeks, as if frozen by the extreme cold. 🥶 Cold Face expressed unfriendliness or callousness.
Cold Face Emoji - Emojigraph
🥶 Cold Face. An icy-blue face with gritted teeth usually with icicles clinging to its cheeks or jaw, as if frozen from extreme cold. Often used to symbolize feeling extreme cold.
Cold Face Emoji - Emoji Meaning, Copy and Paste - Emojibook
🥶 Cold Face has an ice-blue face, gritted teeth, and usually with icicles on its chin or cheeks, as if frozen by the extreme cold. 🥶 Cold Face may be used to indicate unfriendliness or excellence …
Cold Face Emoji Copy Paste
The 🥶 Cold Face emoji is a Unicode emoji that represents a face with a blue or purple frosty appearance, as if the person is cold or has been exposed to cold temperatures. This emoji is …