Composite: Bosquejo Geologico Del E. De Coahuila and Relief Map ...
Thirty-two numbered maps, all followed by a relief map and a geologic map. Full color. The relief maps are on transparent paper and intended to overlay the geologic maps. We have made a composite map that does that overlay.
Schematic geologic map of part of Sierra Las Delicias and Sierra …
Regional geology and a compilation of metallogenic features define the new MVT province of northeastern Mexico, which comprises most of the state of Coahuila and portions of the neighboring...
No. 7A: Relief map of Coahuila - David Rumsey Historical Map …
Thirty-two numbered maps, all followed by a relief map and a geologic map. Full color. The relief maps are on transparent paper and intended to overlay the geologic maps. We have made a composite map that does that overlay.
Geolex — SanMiguel publications - USGS
Feb 25, 2025 · A good locality for observing San Miguel beds is near Arryoyo de las Navajas, on road from Piedras Negras to El Moral [Coahuila, Mexico]. Source: US geologic names lexicon (USGS Bull. 896, p. 1916). Usage in publication:
Coahuila, Mexico | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
This desolate landscape is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, on the border between the Coahuila and Nuevo Leon provinces of Mexico. Collection: Earth As Art 1 Sources: Landsat 7
Geologic map of Hacienda Arroyo Blanco, Coahuila, Mexico
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Geolex — Coahuila
Geologic Unit: Coahuila Usage: Coahuila Group (AL,MS,TX,Mexico) Geologic age: Early Cretaceous. Type section, locality, area and/or origin of name: Named from Mexican state of Coahuila, Mexico, where it is fully developed in both near-shore and off-shore facies. Crops out in small areas in southwestern Texas (Imlay, 1940).
Carta Geológico-Minera Ocampo, G13-3 Coahuila y Chihuahua, …
La carta incluye secciones geológicas, columna litológica, mapa de localización, esquema estructural y leyenda, distribuidos en un recuadro de 60 X 90 cm en cuya edición se utilizó Arc/Info. La carta Ocampo se localiza en la porción oeste del Estado de Coahuila y sureste del Estado de Chihuahua.
A: Map of Mexico with the state of Coahuila marked. B: Geological map …
Download scientific diagram | A: Map of Mexico with the state of Coahuila marked. B: Geological map of the Jimenez area (redrawn from Servicio Geológico de México, 2008).
GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE BORDER REGION BETWEEN COAHUILA AND ZACATECAS MEXICO. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, deelXIX — L. M. J. U. van Straaten, plate 12 DE WADDENZEE Reproductie: Cart. Inst. J. B. Wolters. 30' 30' 15' 530 N.B. 30' 45' C 50 0.L. 15' 30'