City of Philippi, West Virginia
Philippi offers good schools, churches, recreational facilities, a public library, hospital and clinics, a modern motel, fine restaurants, three banks, and a variety of businesses. The City owns its own electrical system.
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City of Philippi
Since taking over as City Manager, the City has put a large emphasis on infrastructure improvements. A City cannot grow or prosper without proper infrastructure in place.
Visit Philippi | City of Philippi, West Virginia
P.O. Box 460 | 344 South Main Street | Philippi, WV 26416 | 304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet
City Council Meetings | City of Philippi, West Virginia
City Council Meetings. The Philippi City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM in the City Council Chambers at 344 S Main Street.
Philippi Main Street | City of Philippi, West Virginia
Philippi Main Street is a self-help process by which volunteers work toward revitalizing their community through historic rehabilitation, identifying economic opportunities, and building partnerships to get the job done.
Mayor | City of Philippi, West Virginia
P.O. Box 460 | 344 South Main Street | Philippi, WV 26416 | 304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet
The Barbour County Historical Museum | City of Philippi, West …
Be sure to include an exciting and educational visit to The Barbour County Historical Museum on your next stop through historic Philippi, West Virginia.
Upcoming Events – City of Philippi, West Virginia
Nov 17, 2020 · Philippi City Hall 344 S Main St, Philippi P.O. Box 460 | 344 South Main Street | Philippi, WV 26416 | 304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689 ) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet Upcoming Events – City of Philippi, West Virginia
Contact | City of Philippi, West Virginia
344 S Main St, Philippi, WV 26416, USA P.O. Box 460 | 344 South Main Street | Philippi, WV 26416 | 304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689 ) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet
Services | City of Philippi, West Virginia
P.O. Box 460 | 344 South Main Street | Philippi, WV 26416 | 304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet304-457-3700 (After Hours: 304-457-3689) | Fax: 304-457-2703 | Site by Citynet