Castanea mollissima - Wikipedia
Castanea mollissima, also known as the Chinese chestnut, is an Asian species of chestnut tree in the family Fagaceae. It is a deciduous tree growing to 20 metres (66 ft) tall with a broad crown. …
Chestnut - Wikipedia
The chestnuts are the deciduous trees and shrubs in the genus Castanea, in the beech family Fagaceae. The name also refers to the edible nuts they produce. [1][2][3] They are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
Chestnut Production - Worldmapper
More than 80% of the 2 million tons of the global production is harvested in China, followed by Bolivia, Turkey, South Korea and Italy. Greece, Portugal, Japan, Spain and North Korea complete the top 10. Overall chestnuts are planted commercially in 27 countries world wide, but most popular in Asia and Europe.
(PDF) A physical map of the Chinese chestnut (Castanea …
A highly informative genetic map of Chinese chestnut was constructed to extend genomic studies in the Fagaceae and to aid the introgression of Chinese chestnut blight resistance genes into American chestnut.
| Map of the People's Republic of China showing locations from …
Chestnuts (Castanea) are major nut crops in East Asia and southern Europe, and are unique among temperate nut crops in that the harvested seeds are starchy rather than oily. Chestnut species have...
Chestnuts of the World Map | TasteAtlas
World's chestnuts atlas. 20 chestnuts on the map. Discover national, local and regional chestnuts varieties around the world.
A physical map of the Chinese chestnut - Springer
Nov 8, 2012 · The consensus Chinese chestnut genetic map, spanning 742.4 cM across 12 linkage groups (A–L), has been integrated with the BAC-based physical map from the same species.
The geographical locations of the sampled sweet chestnut …
Sweet chestnut, Castanea sativa Mill., is an important multipurpose tree species in Asia Minor and Europe. The objective of this study was to investigate variation among eight sweet chestnut...
Castanea sativa - Sweet chestnut Range Map - Plantmaps
Interactive Map of the Native Range of Castanea sativa - Sweet chestnut
Asian Chestnut Flours Map | TasteAtlas
Chestnut Flour atlas of Asia. 0 chestnut flours on the map. Discover national, local and regional chestnut flour varieties.
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