Charville Academy - Home
At Charville Academy we create an atmosphere where standards are achieved in all areas of school life. We establish a firm foundation of attitudes, skills and understanding which will give our pupils the basis to succeed at secondary school and in their adult lives.
Charville Academy - Headteacher's Welcome
At Charville we provide a broad, challenging and innovative curriculum which provides all children with the opportunity to develop academically, spiritually and socially. We work hard to make Charville an inviting school and provide an exciting learning environment.
Charville Academy - About Us
Charville Academy is located in Bury Avenue, Hayes in the Charville Ward of the London Borough of Hillingdon. Surrounded by residential properties and local amenities, the school has served the local community for over 70 years.
Charville Academy - Core Curriculum
At Charville Academy we believe that English is the foundation of the children’s curriculum throughout the school. Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Phonics and Oracy are core aspects across the curriculum which form the building blocks …
Charville Academy - Contact Us
Charville Academy Bury Avenue Hayes Middx. UB4 8LF . Tel: 020 8845 1707/3473 E-Mail: [email protected] . You have not allowed cookies and this content may contain cookies. If you would like to view this content please Allow Cookies Cookie Settings. Contacts.
Charville Academy - Admissions
How to apply for a place at Charville Academy. In Year Admissions. You can complete an application form directly at the school. The following documents are also required when applying: Your child’s birth certificate and; Proof of address i.e. recent utility bill (dated within the last 6 months) or tenancy agreement.
Charville Academy - British Values Through A Values-based …
At Charville Academy, our values are a framework for living and learning. We equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be the best people they can be. Using the fundamental British values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance; our pupils are prepared for life as citizens of the United Kingdom.
Charville Academy - Curriculum
At Charville Academy we have a broad and balanced, knowledge rich curriculum for which we have identified the key knowledge children need to gain to reach their end points successfully in every subject.
Charville Academy - Safeguarding
We at Charville are a diverse and multi-cultural educational setting. We strive for all of our pupils to be safe, secure, independent, caring and life-long learners. Safeguarding processes are rigorously embedded throughout the school and there is a culture of safeguarding for all.
Charville Academy - Standards and Achievement
Performance Data 2023 - 2024. YEAR 1 Phonics Screening. Year 1: 77% passed. Excluding children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) this rises to 94%