Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals
Nasopharyngeal polyps are benign idiopathic masses originating from the middle ear that extend either down the eustachian tube or into the external ear. They can cause stertor, nasal discharge, otitis, otic discharge and head tilt.
Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dec 15, 2023 · Nasopharyngeal polyps in cats are benign (non-cancerous), inflammatory masses in the ears or throat. They usually occur in kittens under a year old—of any breed or gender. The appearance of a polyp in a cat’s ear usually originates in the middle ear cavity or eustachian tube.
Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats - Savannah Veterinary Internal …
Nasopharyngeal polyps are benign (non-malignant, non-cancerous) growths (masses) that occur in the nasopharynx (the area above the soft palate), and which can also involve the eustachian tube, middle ear and even the ear canal.
Diagnostic Investigation of Feline Nasopharyngeal Disease
Cats with nasopharyngeal disease may develop otitis media/interna (OMI) from occlusion of the pharyngeal openings of the auditory tube by a mass lesion (e.g., cryptococcal granuloma). A mucoid effusion develops in the tympanic bullae.
Nasopharyngeal Disease in Cats: 1. Diagnostic investigation
Apr 17, 2012 · It is recommended that cats with nasopharyngeal disease are tested for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). However, the retroviral status of a cat may be more useful with regard to prognosis than diagnosis, particularly if it comes from a multi-cat household.
Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats - MSD Veterinary Manual
Nasopharyngeal polyps can cause signs of upper respiratory disease, such as increased sounds associated with breathing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. These polyps typically arise from the middle ear and extend through the auditory (Eustachian) tube into the nasopharynx.
Nasopharyngeal disease in cats: 1. Diagnostic investigation
Practical relevance: Nasal discharge, sneezing and upper respiratory noise are frequent presenting signs in feline practice. Clinical challenges: The small nasal cavity of the cat can make visualisation of lesions challenging.
Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats - Tufts Catnip
Apr 12, 2018 · Although nasopharyngeal polyps can develop in cats of all ages and are occasionally diagnosed in elderly cats, Dr. Stone points out that they are almost always observed in young adults and occasionally kittens. “The signs will typically include noisy breathing, sneezing and gagging,” says Dr. Stone.
Nasopharyngeal polyp in Cats (Felis) - Vetlexicon
Signs: pedunculated growths usually found in kittens/young cats. May involve middle ear, oropharynx, or nasopharynx. Can interfere with respiration. Diagnosis: history, clinical signs, endoscopy and histopathology. Treatment: surgery. Prognosis: good to excellent after surgery.
Nasal Polyps in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals
Nasal polyps are benign fleshy growths that develop in the nasal passages of cats. Nasal polyps are most frequently observed in young cats. The signs of nasal polyps often mimic an upper respiratory infection, however, these signs may persist with little response to medical therapy.