Basic:Castle Magic - Wizard101 Wiki
Jun 2, 2023 · Take your Castle to an all new level of complexity and fun with Castle Magic! To begin, locate Babbage Basset in Regent's Square of Marleybone and take his new quest, “ Strange Charms .” Basset will give you a “ Castle Magic Help Tome ” that you can place in …
Introductory Guide to Castle Magic - Final Bastion
Jan 16, 2018 · What is Castle Magic? What can you do with it? Learn more about it in this Introductory Guide to Castle Magic and get started right away. Lot's of wonders lie in store for you!
Castle Magic 102 - An Advanced Guide to Castle Magic
Dec 28, 2016 · The most basic connection that can be made through castle magic is through a trigger item and the target. There are two kinds of trigger items: -Visible Triggers (things that you need to step on/type x)
castle magic : r/Wizard101 - Reddit
Aug 6, 2023 · In order to use castle magic you need a treasure card and a housing item to do what you want to do. You put the card inside the castle magic item, link it to the item you want to be affected, and you’re done.
Category:Castle Magic Spells - Wizard101 Wiki
To get an article, image or subcategory to show up here, append [[Category:Castle Magic Spells]] to the bottom of the article, image or subcategory page. Note: It shouldn't be necessary to manually add categories to pages created using the Infobox Templates; the templates apply the appropriate categories automatically.
Hidden Secrets of Castle Magic? : r/Wizard101 - Reddit
Jun 9, 2021 · I know castle magic can be used to create some really cool creations, particularly with spell castle magic. Little did I know that certain housing objects can be altered to create minigames too; in another post, someone mentioned how cool it'd be if we could play chess, but turns out that's a thing!
Castle Magic tips and tricks for a beginner? - Wizard101
Apr 21, 2011 · Magic Timers work by activating a spell after a certain amount of time that you decide. They can start as soon as you enter your house, on demand, and can repeat if you set them to. Magic Reflectors can hold up to 8 spells at once.
where do you get castle magic spells? | Wizard101 Free Online …
Aug 7, 2012 · Go to Regent Square in Marleybone and, over by the Museum, you will find a dog who will teach you Castle Magic and sell you everything you need. He'll start you off with a quest that will give you a lever, a couple of spells, a statue, and a brief tutorial on how to use them.
W101: In-Depth Castle Magic Tutorial - YouTube
I have created this in-depth castle magic tutorial for any confused wizards wishing to try out this wonderful new feature coming to Wizard101 live realm soon...
Wizard101 Castle Magic Tutorial | NEW Castle Magic! | NEW ... - YouTube
Wizard101 Castle Magic Tutorial! | NEW Castle Magic! | Remove All Mounts In A Area, Change Camera Views & More! Come check out what you can do with Castle Ma...