Calico Jack Rums
Caribbean Spiced Rum INSPIRED BY CAPTAIN Calico Jack Rackham. Calico Jack® Spiced and Silver Rums are perfect for mixing your favorite cocktails or enjoying on their own. Calico Jack® Flavored Rums bring a whole new level of flavor to the party, from Coconut to Whipped. Embrace the adventurer within you. Fly your own flag™.
Flavors - Calico Jack Rums
captain calico jack rackham Calico Jack's ships were the first to fly the Jolly Roger. The flag was intended to frighten pirates' victims onto surrendering without a fight.
CAPTAIN JACKS - Goslings Rum
Goslingsrum. Goslings Rum. Shop. Online; Store Locator; Merchandise; Our Products; Dark ‘n Stormy ®
Captain Jack Original 330 ml - Tesco Groceries
Novinka Captain Jack ORIGINAL v sebe kombinuje osviežujúcu chuť piva s tónmi exotického Karibiku. S obsahom 6% alc. je skvelou alternatívou k tradičným pivám či miešaným nápojom. Captain Jack je dostupný v 330 ml štýlovej fľaši s praktickým otváraním "twist-off" pripravený roztočiť každú párty.
Captain Jack Cafe Rum 75cl - addide.com
The captain jack was inspired by 17th century pirates who were renowned for drinking to keep their spirits high during adventures at the sea. It is a blend of molass, caramel and an intense coffee flavour to give a rich dark rum taste mixed with cappuccino.
Captain Jack beer - alcohol content | CheckAlc.com
Alcohol content and the time required for alcohol dilution for the drink Captain Jack beer. CheckAlc calculates when your blood alcohol level will get back to zero.
Captain Jack - Prazdroj
Objavte exotiku v podobe alkoholických nápojov Captain Jack inšpirovaných exotickými kokteilmi a atmosférou Karibiku. S obsahom 6 % alc. sú skvelou alternatívou k tradičným pivám či silnejším nápojom. Každý variant stačí vychladiť a máte pripravený drink na každú párty či …
Captain Jack – Premium Award-winning Rum - Stellar Beverages
Captain Jack Award-winning rum sits pretty at the top of the list for the perfect alcoholic drink on every occasion. This Caribbean-style liquor delivers a smooth blend with an intense flavour of caramel and molasses, making it one of Nigeria’s favourite liquor.
Coconut - Calico Jack Rums
1 1/2 parts Calico Jack® Cherry Spice Rum. 3/4 part Calico Jack® Coconut Rum. 3 parts Pineapple Juice. 1 part Cranberry Juice. Shake all ingredients with ice and pour into a Hurricane glass. Garnish with a cherry on the rim.
Margarita - Cayman Jack
Explore the ideal mingling of tart lime with sweet agave nectar flavors with this signature drink that started the flavor journey. Featuring a crisp and clean finish, this tastes like it was hand-crafted, making it the perfect pairing for every adventure. YOUR JOURNEY HAS JUST BEGUN.