Camp Dobol - GlobalSecurity.org
May 7, 2011 · Camp Dobol. To the East of Tuzla is Camp Dobol, which was occupied by a Battalion Task Force. Life there is more spartan than at Eagle Base, but they do have a "Food Court."
1st Battalion Stations in Bosnia-Herzogovina, 1999-2000
Feb 24, 1991 · Therefore, in August 1999, the 1st Battalion deployed to Bosnia with the 1st Brigade on Operation JOINT FORGE from August 1999 to April 2000 for peacekeeping operations as part of the NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) 6 rotation. The battalion was deployed to Camp Dobol, but had elements located at …
Mar 21, 1997 · CAMP DOBOL -- A Serbian tank re- cently confiscated from a weapons storage site near Brcko in the Russian sector was successfully demilitarized at Camp Dobol under the supervision of Lt. Col. Robin Swan, Task Force 1- 26 commander and Col. Anatoli Sazan- ski, chief Russian liaison officer.
Apr 4, 1997 · CAMP DOBOL -- Long-term peace and sta-bility for Bosnia will only come when nor-mal economic activities begin to flourish and all parties work together for prosperi-ty. The intent of Task Force 1-26 is to pave the road between municipalities and donor organizations to turn this ideal into reality. “Economics and commerce are the key
Bosnia - 1st Cavalry Division Association
On 7 October 1998, The 1st Cavalry Division, under the leadership of MG Kevin P. Byrnes and CSM Paul Inman, assumed authority of the Multinational Division (North) area of operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina from the 1st Armored Division.
Force 1-77 and Task Force 1-18 conquered everything from Camp Bedrock and proceeded northeast toward Camp McGovern and Eagle Base. Task Force 1-26, with split operation moved south to Camp Demi and Camp Alicia, which later changed to Camp Dobol. A support element of TF 1-26 was also placed out west,
Force in Bosnia Fails at One Task: A Pullout - The New York Times
Oct 4, 1998 · At Camp Dobol, along the line of separation between the Serb and Muslim-Croat areas of Bosnia, as many as two dozen patrols rumble past the heavily fortified gates every day.
The Balkans:Land operations | planken.org
Apr 3, 1997 · Camp Colt is missing out of the list of U.S. camps in Bosnia. This page reflects the information available in 1997, the last update. It appears to me that by 1997 Camp Colt had already been closed and all assets were transferred to …
Mar 14, 1997 · U.S. forces have accomplished their implemen- tation mission and will be out of Bosnia by June, 1998, said Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen March 6 during a visit with troops both at Camp Dobol and McGovern Base on. Cohen said U.S. forces are staying in Bosnia for another year to help the peace process become self-sustaining.
2d Armored Cavalry Regiment Unit Move
Dec 19, 2005 · The 2d ACR was dispersed throughout the Sustainment Force’ s Multi-National Division-North Sector at seven base camps in Bosnia (Demi, Dobol, Guardian, Comanche, Eagle, Colt, and McGovern). At each location, UMO’ s prepared for redeployment by creating movement source data with TC-AIMS II.