The phase diagram and hardness of carbon nitrides
May 6, 2015 · Here we report three new superhard and thermodynamically stable carbon nitride phases. Based on a systematic evolutionary structure searches, we report a complete phase diagram of the C-N system...
Here we report three new superhard and thermodynamically stable carbon nitride phases. Based on a systematic evolutionary structure searches, we report a complete phase diagram of the C-N system at 0–300 GPa and analyze the hardest metastable structures.
TABLE 1 : List of phases for BINARY systems - FactSage.cn
The diagrams contain the names of the stable phases in each system. Tables 3 and 4 refer to the ternary systems and reciprocal ternary systems (those containing two cations and two anions) respectively, and provide guidance in phase selection for calculations in higher-order systems.
PhaseDiagram-Web - FactSage.cn
search for a Phase Diagram : (enter one or more components, ex: Al , Al2O3 , Ni3S2 , SiO2 ) © CRCT 2006 - www.factsage.cn
Phase diagram is a graphical representation of all the equilibrium phases as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition. For one component systems, the equilibrium state of the system is defined by two independent parameters (P and T), (T and V), or (P and V).
Alloys and Phase Diagram. Intermediate Phases – The solubility of one element in another element is limited. Polymers and ceramics are cast as well. Depending on how we control solidification, these events influence the size, shape, uniformity and chemical composition of …
In Cigar shape diagram there are three different regions: 1. Liquid (single phase) 2. Liquid + solid (double phase) 3. Solid solution (single phase) •Liquidus- the boundary line between the liquid region and the double phase region. •Solidus- the boundary line between the solid solution region and the double phase region.
Nitrogen Phase Diagram: States, Transitions, and Pressures
5 days ago · Nitrogen’s phase diagram delineates regions where it exists as a solid, liquid, or gas under specific temperature and pressure conditions. At atmospheric pressure, nitrogen transitions from gas to liquid at 77.36 K and from liquid to solid at 63.15 K.
FactSage.cn - 相图
Jul 26, 2013 · Phase Diagram 模块是一个能够计算、画出和编辑单元、二元、三元或者多元相图的通用程序,相图坐标轴可以为 T, P, V, 组成, 活度, 化学势等各种组合。计算出的相图可以自动在 Figure 模块中作图。
• Phase equilibrium: minimum energy for a system with multiple phases • Phase diagram: information about phases as function of T, composition, and pressure