Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
Establishment in 2004, CIF Fullfill the need of sophisticated instruments required for the multiple departments and centres of the institute and others. Read more
Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
2 days ago · CIF Establishment. Central Instruments Facility was established in the year 2004. CIF is situated in the academic complex near core III area. The main building has two floors. …
Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
The registration forms (Job order) are available at the CIF Office or can be downloaded from the link given below. You may come in-person with the filled-up registration form. Alternatively, the samples may also be sent by post to the Head, CIF, IIT Guwahati.
Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
To Apply for job Order for Various Instrument of CIF , You have to follow below Steps: REGISTER--> LOGIN--> APPLY FOR JOB ORDER
Central Instruments Facility IIT Guwahati
Central Instruments Facility (CIF) has an objective to provide a central facility with the latest and the most advanced analytical techniques for cutting edge research in various areas of science and technology.
Contact Us - IIT Guwahati
Central Instruments Facility(CIF) Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, 781039 . 91 361 258 3125; [email protected]; www.iitg.ac.in
Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
Central Instruments Facility (CIF) has an objective to provide a central facility with the latest and the most advanced analytical techniques for cutting edge research in various areas of science and technology.
CENTRAL INSTRUMENT FACILITY, IIT GUWAHATI Users will have to weigh each sample and mark the exact weight of the sample in the container (and registration form) along with the sample code. Only six samples per user/per job order form will be accepted. Users having more number of samples can submit in batches of six
Central Instruments Facility, Indian Institite of ... - IIT Guwahati
Prof. Gagan Kumar. Head of the Central Instruments Facility; 0361-2583101(CIF Office) 0361-2583557(Physics Chamber) [email protected]
Research park, IIT Guwahati
Companies will be able to access the instruments at Central Instrument Facility of IIT Guwahati. CIF houses 26 highly sophisticated and modern analytical equipment’s with a wide range of …