Home - ALERTCalifornia
Mar 15, 2024 · ALERTCalifornia has more than 1,144 high-definition, pan-tilt-zoom cameras deployed across California (as of January 2025), providing a 24-hour backcountry network with near-infrared night vision to monitor disasters such as active wildfires.
ALERTCalifornia Launches to Provide Essential Tools to Understand …
May 3, 2023 · The high-definition cameras are able to pan, tilt, zoom and perform 360-degree sweeps and provide 24-hour monitoring with near-infrared night vision capabilities. Each camera can view as far as 60 miles on a clear day and 120 miles on a clear night.
CAL FIRE and University of California San Diego’s ALERTCalifornia ...
Jul 10, 2023 · The advanced network of more than 1000 cameras across California helps emergency managers monitor natural disasters such as wildfires, floods, and landslides.
Technology - ALERTCalifornia
Using the cameras and associated tools, first responders with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) can rapidly confirm fire ignition, quickly scale fire resources, support evacuations through enhanced situational awareness and monitor fires through containment.
ALERTCalifornia Camera Status
RECENTLY INSTALLED CAMERAS . New Camera. County. Sponsor. Internet Service Provider. Install Date +-Sunset Redlands 3. San Bernardino. ALERTCalifornia. SIO/UCSD. 03/17/2025 +-Owens Mtn 2. Fresno. PG&E. unWired. 03/06/2025 +-Cuesta Peak 2. San Luis Obispo. PG&E. SLO. 03/05/2025 +-Pena Adobe 2. Solano. PG&E. East Bay RPD. 03/03/2025 +-Rimel 1 ...
About - ALERTCalifornia
The state-focused program manages a network of more than 1,144 monitoring cameras and sensor arrays (as of January 2025), and collects data that provides actionable, real-time information to inform public safety.
ALERTCalifornia and CAL FIRE’s fire detection AI program named …
Oct 24, 2023 · CAL FIRE firefighters monitor ALERTCalifornia cameras and AI for active incidents. The award-winning AI tool helps reduce watch fatigue and improve response times to fires across California. (Credit: CAL FIRE)
Collocated Camera View Compass + −. ESRI ... California Valley 1. California Valley 2. Camarillo Ranch 1. Camarillo Ranch 2. Cambria 1. Cambria 2. Cameron. Canyonback Trail TCM 1. Canyonback Trail TCM 2. Capell Valley 1. Capell Valley 2. Carbon Canyon 1. Carbon Canyon 2. Carol Drive Santa Clara 1.
Camera User Guide - ALERTCalifornia
Download the above PDF for a step-by-step guide for how navigate cameras.alertcalifornia.org. Please note, only trained emergency managers are able to move the camera views. The general public can view cameras on the site, but are not able to move the cameras themselves.
History - ALERTCalifornia
The now state-specific ALERTCalifornia program integrates and and expand on the earlier network. With support from the Office of the California Governor and funding from CAL FIRE and other sources, ALERTCalifornia more than doubled …