10 Abandoned Bunkers Across America - Ask a Prepper
Across America, there are missile sites that once held nuclear-tipped missiles. Some were smaller anti-aircraft missiles, while others were Intercontinental ballistic missiles. As these bases were decommissioned, some of the sites were sold off while others were left to be retaken by nature. See more
When we think about a bunker, we often think about missile silos and Fallout shelters. However, there is a lesser-known style of bunker that you can often purchase. These are communications bunkers, which are underground facilities built and used by … See more
- Fort Tilden
- This complex has a history dating back to 1917 and was designed to protect New York from attack. The facility at one tim…
- Devil’s Slide Bunkers
- At the top of a coasta… See more
During the Cold War, everyone was encouraged to build Fallout shelters as a measure of protection in the event of a nuclear exchange. As a result, many local governments constructed Fallout shelters in schools, community centers, or other municipal and state … See more
Así están estos 11 búnkeres de la II Guerra Mundial abandonados
Estas las reliquias inquietantes que dejó la Segunda Guerra Mundial fueron en su momento fortalezas pensada para resistir bombardeos y ejércitos. Un búnker diseñado originalmente …
Creepy Abandoned Bunkers in the US
Oct 8, 2020 · During the Cold War, the US built underground shelters in case of an attack. Decades later, some of these …
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6 búnkeres de guerra que se creían perdidos para siempre han …
Escondidos con entradas disimuladas, algunos de estos búnkeres abandonados han caído en el olvido desde hace mucho tiempo, y sus secretos han quedado sellados con ellos.
Descubra los búnkeres soviéticos abandonados que se esconden …
Mar 4, 2022 · Tras el colapso de la Unión Soviética en 1991, los búnkeres fueron abandonados, aunque el acceso a algunos todavía requiere un permiso especial. No estoy haciendo …
Looking for cold war bunkers/fallout shelters. : r/Ohio - Reddit
Looking for cold war bunkers/fallout shelters. Hello! I'm making a database of the nuclear fallout shelters in Columbus, but I figure I'll throw some on the rest of the state too. It anyone can, …
LO QUE VI ALLÍ DENTRO ☣️ Búnker Nuclear y Secreto de la …
Segunda Guerra Mundial: así están estos búnkeres abandonados
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los nazis construyeron búnkeres de hormigón en las costas occidentales de Noruega y Francia. Estas fortificaciones se conocían colectivamente como la …
Watch full videoMar 24, 2022 · Continuamos la exploración perdidos bajo tierra en un bunker de la OTAN, construido para poder refugiar hasta 1000 personas y protegerlas ante una posible bo...
- Author: Kibara
- Views: 708.4K
Former Government Command Bunker For Sale
Dec 9, 2019 · If you’re in the market for a former government command bunker for sale, look no further! I was contacted earlier today by the owner of this facility located in rural Ohio. (NOTE: Retreat Realty, Ltd., is not licensed in the state …