Young Gordon Lightfoot looks like Bryan Cranston
Feb 26, 2023 · Elderly (Senior) Gordon Lightfoot (1994-2018/present) looks more like Bill Nighy. Also another Canadian folksinger that Bryan Cranston could be a dead ringer for if you shave off his beard and especially cut off the mustache is Murray McLauchlan.
Gordon Lightfoot and Bryan Cranston : r/totallylookslike - Reddit
Mar 6, 2024 · Have you ever seen somebody, or some/thing/ and just stopped for a moment thinking: "Hey! Wait a minute, that totally looks like...!" Bryan Cranston looks like George Bush!
Gordon Lightfoot Fan Club | Bryan Cranston talks about his ... - Facebook
Bryan Cranston talks about his resemblance to looking like Gordon in this video.
Just noticed how much Chris Pratt looks like Gordon Lightfoot.
Nov 23, 2013 · Chris Pratt as young Gordon Lightfoot (1958-1980), Bryan Cranston as middle-aged Gordon Lightfoot (1981-1993), Bill Nighy as elderly Gordon Lightfoot (1994-2018).
Celebrity Look-alikes - IMDb
Cranston also appeared in several acclaimed films, such as Saving Private Ryan (1998), Little Miss Sunshine (2006), Drive (2011), Argo (2012) and Godzilla (2014). In 2019, he starred with Kevin Hart in the box office hit The Upside (2017) .
The One Thing You Never Noticed About Bryan Cranston And ... - BuzzFeed
Jan 23, 2015 · A Reddit user made an incredible observation that involves Bryan Cranston and Neil Patrick Harris. If these two ever had a love child, he would look like Gordon Lightfoot. Yes, Gordon...
Check out Bryan Cranston in character as Gordon... - Tumblr
Check out Bryan Cranston in character as Gordon Lightfoot in the upcoming biopic Not So Carefree Highway. Can’t wait!
Fans of Gordon Lightfoot | Actor Bryan Cranston looks like a …
Actor Bryan Cranston looks like a young Gordon Lightfoot .
Fans of Gordon Lightfoot | Is it just me or does Gordon Lightfoot look ...
Is it just me or does Gordon Lightfoot look like a young Brian Cranston here?
Never realized how much Bryan Cranston looked like Gordon Lightfoot
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