EMERGENCY - Brown Algae on my live rock and sand bed
Feb 25, 2021 · Diatoms are a natural part of your reef aquarium maturing and although unsightly can be controlled. It is common knowledge that local tap water and well water contain contaminants that encourage the growth of brown algae in saltwater aquariums. As the diatoms decompose, they release silicate back into the aquarium water.
Brown algae on sand! | Reef2Reef
Sep 30, 2018 · It's an Innovative Marine 40. Funny you ask cause I have a biocube that looks the SAME way. I think it's more brown algae. I had dinos in the 40 and got rid of them a few weeks ago. Those were super distinctive. But this same algae …
Brown algae in new reef tank | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
Jul 17, 2016 · I am using RO water. My problem is that the tank has been running for 7 weeks now and now the tank has brown algae mostly on the sand. I did a water change last weekend and removed the brown algae but it has returned. Could the setting on my light be wrong which is causing this algae or is the just something a new tank goes through.
Brown algae with bubbles | Reef2Reef
Nov 11, 2013 · Also think it's beginning stages of Dino's but hard to tell without a sample under the microscope. Algae produce O2 and trap bubbles also, making it a little harder to identify. If you see long strings develop, my bet would be on Dino 100%. Heads up - you posted on Algae Barn vendor forum. Might get more eyes on it if moved to correct section.
Brown algae on my sand bed that always comes back after weekly ...
Jan 17, 2018 · Stellate colony of diatoms, Nitzschia species. Diatoms are an algae but contain yellow-brown chlorplasts instead of the more typical green chloroplasts of other plants. Live specimen. Wet mount, 10X...
Brown algae | Reef2Reef
Jan 16, 2025 · So I’ve had my tank running for about 5 months now and I’m having trouble removing brown algae from my fish tank, I tried taking the decor and scrubbing it off but it’s a pain to scrub off and I gravel vac my sanded and do a 20% water change, I’m scared to do 50 because the last time I did it...
Brown Algae Removal - General Discussion - C.A.R.E.
Dec 24, 2024 · For eaters without addressing the cause of the brown algae overload, maybe snails, shrimp, or siamese algae eaters Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment
Nuisance Algae Identification and Removal Guide | Reef2Reef
Feb 5, 2022 · Scientific Description- Brown semi rigid but slippery macro algae. Often confused with plating coralline, the slippery rubbery feel is a give away if you don't want to use scientific methods to determine the id. Manual Removal - Difficult. Qting the rock in an extended dark cycle is the best way. Good thing it doesn't spread rock to rock too fast.
Brown Algae on glass (mature tank) - Reef2Reef
Aug 16, 2021 · Hi, I have a 450 litre (120 gallon) mature (1 year and 10 months old) predator reef tank that is having trouble with algae. Parameters: Phosphate - 0.10ppm (Hanna checker) Nitrate - 100ppm (Salifert test kit) Ph - 8.3 I am having problems with brown algae (diatoms?) that completely covers the glass overnight after being completely cleaned.
Brown algae and light | Reef2Reef
Oct 1, 2018 · The brown algae is also probably diatoms, which tend to come and go as nutrients are more available in the tank. Your test results may be low because the algae is consuming any nutrients that are readily available.