Bronze Age houses: What the finds tell us - BBC News
Jan 12, 2016 · At a quarry in Cambridgeshire, archaeologists say they have discovered Britain's "Pompeii - a number of well-preserved dwellings dating back to the Bronze Age. The artefacts found there reveal...
House of the Tiles - Wikipedia
The House of the Tiles is a monumental Early Bronze Age building (two stories, approximately 12 x 25 m) located at the archaeological site of Lerna in southern Greece. [1] It is notable for several architectural features that were advanced for its time during the Helladic period, notably its roof covered by baked tiles, which gave the building ...
Bronze age houses - houses through the ages
In the Bronze age (3,700 BC to 500 BC) there was only one main type of house called round houses. The round house was usually built in the shape of a circle hence the name. The walls were made of either stone or a clay like substance with …
Bronze Age and early urban cultures - Encyclopedia Britannica
Construction - Bronze Age, Urban Cultures: It was the cultures of the great river valleys—including the Nile, the Tigris and Euphrates, the Indus, and the Huang Ho—with their intensive agriculture based on irrigation—that developed the …
Life in Bronze Age Britain - Historic England
Jul 14, 2016 · The houses are the best-preserved Bronze Age settlement ever excavated in Britain and were destroyed by a major fire that caused the dwellings to collapse into a river, preserving their contents in amazing detail. Evidence, including tree-ring analysis of the oak structures suggests that at the time of the fire, the houses were still new and ...
Deposition analysis and the hidden life of Bronze Age houses
Sep 1, 2022 · Phases of the cultural biography of Bronze Age houses were identified including their use, intentional cremation, the burial of remains (burnt settlement refuse) and closing deposits. Houses are explained as the central (albeit non-human) actors of hybrid actor-networks.
The Construction of a Bronze Age Longhouse Model in Dwelling …
May 22, 2018 · Longhouses built using earth-fast post technique belong to the most important and most successful house types of middle European prehistory. The footprints of these structures, in various styles, are identifiable from the very beginning of the Neolithic period up to the Middle Ages, and sometimes up to early modern times.
Bronze Age Settlements | The Oxford Handbook of the European Bronze Age …
Jun 1, 2013 · This article focuses on the settlements that were built during the Bronze Age of Europe. It presents some examples of settlements from northwest Europe, and focuses on houses and settlement sites. The discussion begins with a section on the set of ideas and expectations that completely influence archaeological approaches to prehistoric settlement.
The Bronze Age in Europe: Architecture & Houses - Study.com
In this lesson, we'll examine Bronze-Age houses, tombs, and palaces across Europe. There are a few things that anyone traveling through Europe today will not want to miss: The food, the street...
Bronze Age houses and barrows in the Low Countries
Jun 4, 2008 · The long-standing Dutch tradition of large-scale settlement excavation and the large numbers of well-investigated barrows seems to provide rich evidence for modelling the relation between houses...