Brian Stokes at Christopher Newport University - Rate My …
Brian Stokes is a professor in the History department at Christopher Newport University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Life at CNU - Staff - Christopher Newport University
Brian C. Larson. Associate Dean of Students David Student Union 3127 (757) 594-7160 [email protected]
Brian Stokes at Christopher Newport University | Coursicle CNU
Brian Stokes at Christopher Newport University (CNU) in Newport News, Virginia teaches HIST 111 - Ancient and Medieval World, HIST 112 - The Modern World, HIST 121 - Early America to the Civil War, HIST 122 - Mod Amer: Rcnst to Globl Power, LDSP 320 - …
Faculty & Staff - Christopher Newport University
Brian Keith Perkins. Instructor Luter Hall 354 (757) 594-8425 [email protected]
Faculty - Christopher Newport University
Christopher Newport is student led and student driven, and the David Student Union is the hub of student life. The Captains Locker has all your school swag, and the Center for Community Engagement empowers students to engage in service activities both on and off campus.
ldsp 320 - Leadership Through the Ages - Coursicle
ldsp 320 at Christopher Newport University (CNU) in Newport News, Virginia.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Stavroula K. Gailey Douglas C. Gallaer Dr. David E. Game Dr . Zheng Gao James Albert Gerald Susan P Glaude Professor Director Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Financial Aid Coord. Mathematics Career & Counseling Svc. Phy.,
HIST 112 - The Modern World at Christopher Newport University ...
Professor Stenner is very interesting and good at teaching. He is very helpful in regards to essays and make sure to visit his office hours. I can't wait to take another one of his classes next semester! HIST 112 at Christopher Newport University (CNU) in Newport News, Virginia.
Brian T - Christopher Newport University
A four-year public liberal arts and sciences university in Newport News, Virginia, Christopher Newport offers great teaching and small class sizes with an emphasis on leadership, civic engagement and honor.
Staff - Christopher Newport University
Tara Stokes. Fiscal Technician - Cash Services Christopher Newport Hall (757) 594-7042 [email protected]