Spatializing Stratification: Bogotá - OpenEdition Journals
These map and structure the city as a knowable, rationalized, governmental space with an eye on European urban models that authorities attempt to secure against the stresses of rapid urbanization, for example, the informal economy on the streets, population invasions, and rural-urban migration.
Unequal Scenes - Bogotá
A map of the social strata locations in Bogotá. In Chapinero, informal housing is sandwiched between expensive new development in one of Bogotá's nicest districts, and the steep mountains just behind.
Estratificación Manzana Bogotá D.C. - Datos Abiertos Bogotá
Base gráfica que determina las áreas que conforman la clasificación del estrato socioeconómico por manzana y localidad, en que se divide el Distrito Capital (Alto, Medio, Bajo) en la totalidad del territorio.
Conjunto de datos - Datos Abiertos Bogotá
Secretaría Distrital de Planeación - Base gráfica que determina las áreas que conforman la clasificación del estrato socioeconómico por manzana y localidad, en que se divide el Distrito Capital (Alto, Medio, Bajo)... Estrato Socioeconómico. Bogotá D.C 429 Descargas 5.587 Vistas.
Estratos: A Guide to Understanding Estratos in Colombia
Feb 4, 2025 · Estratos are a classification in strata of residential properties that must receive public utilities. It is carried out mainly to charge for residential public utilities in a differential manner by strata, allowing subsidies to be assigned and contributions to be collected in this area.
Social Stratification in Colombia: A Laudable but Flawed System
Dec 4, 2024 · The elimination of residential strata in Colombia could mark a turning point in the way the country deals with inequality. However, experts say that the adoption of a new model must be handled carefully to avoid leaving vulnerable populations unprotected during the transition process.
Estratificación por Localidad | Secretaría Distrital de Planeación
La Secretaría Distrital de Planeación desarrolla funciones que apuntan a orientar y liderar la formulación y seguimiento de las políticas y la planeación territorial, económica, social y ambiental del Distrito Capital, conjuntamente con los demás sectores.
Mapas Bogotá
Visualiza, consulta y descarga los datos oficiales de Bogotá D.C. Leyenda. X. Capa a filtrar. Lluvias. Ver Datos. Servicios públicos. Importar. Bogotá invierte en su casa. Censo …
Neighborhoods of Bogotá - Interactive Map!
`A detailed map showcasing the various neighborhoods in Bogotá, Colombia, highlighting cultural, historical, and recreational areas within the city.`| Check out this map
It maps, classifies and excludes but is also appropriated and contested as a hierarchical, sociocultural spatialization of residents. Taken up in the civic culture, strata has become a pattern of iden- tification, stereotypes and discrimination that norma- tively striates the citizenship of Bogotanos identifying who should and should not go where.