Where are some places to get reference images for modeling?
Jun 2, 2015 · I'm a newbie. I've gone through a number of tutorials and want to get some actual experience with modeling. But, I don't know where to go to get good reference images for modeling with front/sides...
Important Blender shorcuts for object modeling
Apr 29, 2018 · In Blender, press ⎈ Ctrl⎇ AltU to open up the settings menu. Locate the Input rider and go to the 3d View section. The operations and hotkey for modeling will be found under Object Mode and Mesh. How to find a specific hotkey. Open up the menu and locate the desired operation, the hotkey is written to the right of it.
Is blender actually useable for engineering?
May 24, 2016 · I can recommend Blender for modeling objects to which you already know their design and parameters and you are sure the shape is mostly final (like modeling your living room or a part that broke and you need to 3D print it). Good for organic modeling through sculpting too. Blender is an app designed for animation studios and entertainment industry.
modeling - How to model effectively using exact measurements?
Nov 25, 2014 · Along with the default 'in Blender' tips already posted, there are several scripts/addons you can use to assist you too. The website Blender3DArchitect has alot of content tuned to this. The addons are.. - EdgeTools (for 2.63 at the time of writing) Edge Tools is designed to bring some CAD-style edge-based modeling tools to Blender.
What's the best way to do clothing in character modelling?
Dec 28, 2015 · In Blender there is also a way to transfer a low-resolution simulation to a higher-resolution mesh to save some time: Ways to have one mesh control another? Such simulation results in accurate wrinkles, accurate cloth fit and deformations. The fabric slides over the …
modeling - When and when not to use subdivsion surfaces?
Jul 5, 2018 · I am new to 3D modelling and wondering if someone could break down when and when not to use subdivision surface modelling. I am thinking more in terms of hard surface stuff. Why wouldn't you always just use a subdivision surface as it …
Modeling vs Sculpting when to use? - Blender Stack Exchange
It's my first time to use blender. I've been looking for youtube tutorials and other use modeling, others are sculpting. I don't know what to use. Modeling seems more precise and more accurate but sculpting seems easier than modeling.
Has anyone tried modelling in blender with VR headset?
Nov 14, 2023 · As I continue to use blender professionally as a medium between autodesk revit architecture and 3D printing (to tweak the model for print stability) I get increasingly frustrated with limitations of mouse and keyboard for navigation so I am looking into weather it's worth buying VR headset to accelerate my work.
What techniques are used to begin creating new models?
Mar 10, 2015 · Patch Modelling (Curves and Nurbs Surfaces) With these forms of modelling the surface itself is not defined vertex by vertex by us, but by control points, knots, weights and interpolations. These surfaces remain defined purely in mathematical terms until you convert them to Meshes. Blender distinguishes between 2D and 3D Curves.
What exactly is "hard surface modelling"? - Blender Stack Exchange
Jan 26, 2018 · The first 3 are parametric modelling techniques - you control limited amount of points to define the surface. You create curvature using Beveling or by Subdivision surfaces. Because of this, these techniques are useful for modelling fairly regular hard-surface shapes that do …