Why was the Berlin Wall built and eventually fell? - Answers
Sep 2, 2023 · The city of Berlin was also divided into east and west, however, the city was located entirely within East Germany. ... Joseph Stalin ordered that a wall be built to separate the two halves. The ...
Soviet leader and builder of the Berlin Wall? - Answers
Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall was built.Joseph Stalin had been the leader when the borders were closed, but construction of the wall itself did not ...
Where was Berlin wall? - Answers
Sep 2, 2023 · It separated east Berlin from west Berlin. It was built in 1961/62.It was a wall separating Germany into two parts East, and West Berlin. East controlled by Soviet Union and the west controlled by ...
Why was a wall built in Berlin? - Answers
May 5, 2012 · ANSWER:The Berlin Wall was built by the East German communist government to keep East Germans from moving to the West.If you are interested in the whole story, read this:When World War 2 was over ...
Why was the Berlin Wall built and eventually fell? - Answers
The wall eventually became politically indefensible, so when a massive protest demanded that the border crossings be opened, the East German government relented, and the wall was torn down in 1989 ...
How far does the Berlin Wall stretch? - Answers
Aug 23, 2023 · The Berlin Wall was built to separate East Germany and East Berlin from West Berlin. The Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1990 which allowed for unification of West and East Berlin.
What year did the Berlin Wall fell in which year? - Answers
Sep 2, 2023 · In 1961, East Germany closed the border and built the Wall dividing West Berlin from East Berlin. The area of East Berlin was the Sovjet zone, while West Berlin was compounded of the French ...
When and how was the Berlin Wall Built? - Answers
It was built August 13, 1961 using barded wire and antitank obstacles.:) Tags World War 2 Politics and Government Berlin Wall Subjects
Who built the Berlin Wall and why was it built? - Answers
The building of the Berlin Wall was ordered by Walter Ulbricht, leader of the East German communist SED party (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands - Socialist Unity Party of Germany).The ...
Why was the berlinwall built? - Answers
Sep 19, 2023 · The wall of Berlin was built my the Soviet Union to separate the communist East Berlin from capitalist West Berlin. This was done to prevent massive population migrations from the East to the West.