Beecham's Pills - Wikipedia
Beecham's Pills were a laxative first marketed about 1842 in Wigan, Lancashire. They were invented by Thomas Beecham (1820–1907), grandfather of the conductor Sir Thomas …
Beecham's Patent Pills - OHSU
Beecham's Pills were created by English chemist Thomas Beecham in 1842. They were marketed as a laxative but also claimed to cure such things as headache, dizziness, pain, stomach …
Beecham's Pills - National Museum of American History
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Laxative ... beneficial in helpint relieve Headaches, Loginess, Irritability, Sour Stomach, Upset Stomach, Coated …
Beecham's Pills | COVE
Oct 27, 2021 · Thomas Beecham first invented Beecham's Pills in 1842. These over-the-counter pills claimed to help those with bilious and nervous disorders which today means indigestion …
Thomas Beecham (chemist) - Wikipedia
In August 1859, he created the slogan for Beecham's Pills: "Worth a guinea a box", which is considered to be the world's first advertising slogan, helping the company become a global …
A Pill to Cure All Ills - On This Day
Jul 1, 2016 · August 6, 1859 — The world’s first advertising slogan – “Beecham’s Pills: Worth a Guinea a Box” – appeared on this day. In those days there were 20 shillings to a pound and a …
Beecham's Pills - wikidoc
Beecham's Pills were a laxative first marketed around 1842 in St Helens, Merseyside. They were invented by Thomas Beecham (1820–1907), grandfather of Thomas Beecham (1879-1961). …
Beecham's Pills - bionity.com
Beecham's Pills were a laxative first marketed around 1842 in St Helens, Lancashire. They were invented by Thomas Beecham (1820–1907), grandfather of Thomas Beecham (1879-1961).
Beecham's Pills -1898A : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming ...
Dec 19, 2018 · Rugged billboard ad for Beecham's, simple text with large claims. Published in the February, 1898 issue of BLACK CAT Artist: Source: Scrimbab Restoration by:...
Beechams Pills - Graces Guide
Beecham's Pills. 1928 Beecham's Pills Ltd was formed as a public company to acquire the Beecham pills business and the great majority of shares in the Veno Drug Co [1], maker of …