10 Christian baseball players in the MLB who are seeking to …
Mar 30, 2023 · Here are quotes from 10 baseball players who are using their powerful voice to share the good news of Jesus: 1. Aaron Judge (New York Yankees) “God gave you the talent, so always give Him the glory! Never forget that God gave you this opportunity!”
Ten reasons why baseball is God's game - faith-theology.com
May 25, 2007 · Baseball is God’s game. And here are just ten reasons why. 1. “The game of ball is glorious” – Walt Whitman. 2. Baseball is about coming home. The whole point of the game is to finish where you begin – home plate – and once you are home you are finally safe. “In my beginning is my end… Home is where one starts from… In my end is my beginning.” 3.
Faith and baseball: Why these fans feel a special connection to …
Oct 11, 2024 · Baseball is not a religion to Iverson, an Oklahoma Christian University graduate who serves the New Vintage Church in Escondido, Calif. He worships Jesus Christ, not the late Tony Gwynn — even though Iverson, like most of the Friar Faithful, identifies the first-ballot Hall of Famer nicknamed “Mr. Padre” as his all-time favorite player.
5 Reasons Baseball is a Spiritual Discipline - Patheos
Mar 28, 2019 · But beyond influencing our speech patterns, baseball also exemplifies formative spiritual disciplines. Here are at least 5 reasons baseball trains us into spiritual disciplines. 1) Baseball...
What Baseball Can Teach Us About Faith - Sojourners
Mar 21, 2016 · And as Jesus did on Good Friday, stay the course. The author Seth Godin explained it this way: “If you try to delight the undelightable, you’ve made yourself miserable for no reason.” There is...
Why Jesus and God follow baseball – Baptist News Global
Jul 9, 2013 · Jesus undoubtedly loves baseball because he’s the“Natural.” He’s someone with a sense of anticipation, hopefulness and strategy. He continually demonstrates the skill sets required for both offense and defense. He has solid eye-hand coordination as well as a coachable spirit. He trusts his teammates and cheers them on when they boot a routine play.
15 Super-Powerful Baseball Bible Verses To Inspire You - Spiritual …
Nov 3, 2023 · Matthew 19:26 – “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.'” These powerful verses offer valuable teachings and advice to help strengthen your faith, skills, and mindset while playing baseball.
Treasure in the Field: Enjoying God Through the Game of Baseball
Jun 8, 2019 · Joy in baseball becomes joy in God when it helps me to kill sin and pursue holiness. When I’m on the field, burdens lift. There’s a much-needed respite from the pressures of life and ministry, an echo of Eden, which I deliberately wield in the fight of faith.
Major League Baseball Has Hit a Christian Crossroads
May 15, 2019 · Longtime Dominican-born player/manager Felipe Alou (whose brothers, Matty and Jesús, and son, Moises, were also successful major-leaguers) famously converted from Catholicism to an evangelical strain of Christianity. And …
️ Faith And Baseball: Why These Fans Feel A Special Connection …
Oct 11, 2024 · Baseball is not a religion to Iverson, the associate pastor for New Vintage Church in Escondido, California. He worships Jesus Christ, not the late Tony Gwynn — even though Iverson, like most of the Friar Faithful, identifies the first-ballot Hall of Famer nicknamed “Mr. Padre” as his all-time favorite player.