Headmold Gallery – All Faces in the Barbie family since 1958
E. Since 1958 Mattel developed many different facemolds, for Barbie & her friends plus countless Collector and Celebrity Doll Faces. This is a chronologically picture guide through the decades …
Barbie Face Mold - BarbiePedia
These dolls use the Diva face sculpt, dated 1985. Discover all the facial molds of Barbie dolls and other characters from the world of Barbie. - BarbiePedia.
Barbie doll's many faces through the years: Movie glam adds to lore
Jul 20, 2023 · Below we've illustrated a dozen faces in the history of the doll that took Barbie from a German gag gift to the doll, launched in 1959 and beloved by millions, to now a live-action …
Doll faces in the Wonderful World TM of Barbie - Kattis Dolls
Feb 17, 2025 · In 2023 Mattel released a series of four new My First Barbie (and friends) dolls with a bigger sized doll, than the regular 11". They have softer "skin" and snap type bendable …
Barbie face mold - Barbie Second Life
Barbie doll face Molds. Here are all the molds of the different faces of the Barbie doll. For many years, the face of the Barbie has evolved and Mattel has created many new molds, making it …
56 Years Of Barbie’s Evolution - Bored Panda
Nov 13, 2015 · Since the release of the iconic Barbie doll in 1959, however, it has changed quite a bit, changing along with the ideals that society set for women. Tumblr user Tenaflyviper …
Fashiondollz - the big Barbie (face)book, Magazine & Identification
This page provides tons of informations about the different Barbie faces – from her first appearance up to now + the faces of all her friends and family, the Barbie Collector Dolls and …
Usage of the Barbie Faces the chronological overview - from 1958 …
E Barbie, her family, friends and the Collector Dolls use many many different faces. And they often change and share their faces. This chronological overview shows you of whom the faces …
Barbie By Head Mold - Toy Sisters
This page shows Barbie dolls by head mold (starting from 1977, the Superstar era). Most head molds are named after the first doll that uses it. The head molds will appear under their most …
Barbie Face Mold - BarbiePedia
These dolls use a face sculpt that does not have an official name. It is dated 2022 and is a modified version of a playline sculpt (originally dated 2021), introduced in the 2022 Fashionista …