James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Block M Records
Free downloads of the complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach, recorded by Dr. James Kibbie on original baroque organs in Germany, are offered on this site.
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - About - Block M Records
This website offers free downloads of the complete extant organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach, recorded by Dr. James Kibbie on original baroque organs in Germany from 2007 to 2009, with the addition in 2016 of four works which had more recently been assessed as authentic.
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Download - Block M Records
Complete works organized into groups for download. (Individual works may be downloaded via the catalog or search pages.) The links below are to .zip archives. After downloading, uncompress the file (s) and import the folder of audio files into iTunes or a similar application.
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Catalog - Block M Records
Total: 274 | Now Viewing: 1-50 Next PageTotal: 274 | Now Viewing: 1-50 Next Page
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Familiar Masterworks
A selection of some of the best-known Bach organ works: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 Passacaglia in C Minor, BWV 582 "Gigue" Fugue in G Major, BWV 577 Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 542 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 In dir ist Freude, BWV 615
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Organs
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Organsorgans
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Catalog Detail View
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Catalog Detail View
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Catalog Detail View
This work by James Kibbie, The Complete Organ Works of J.S. Bach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Catalog Detail View
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James Kibbie - Bach Organ Works - Dresden
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