offensive language - What is the etymology of "BFE"? - English …
I found an earlier example for the initials BFE in Usenet, on 11th September 1988 in alt.cyberpunk: $600 is about what we paid for my first computer -- a C64, 1541 and printer; when I was a upper-lower class kid living in the backwoods of BFE, Leesville, Louisiana. (Ft. Polk sux too. :-). We weren't on welfare, but we weren't rich either.
Where does the term "bum fuck egypt" come from? Why is it used …
BFE stood for "'bout fuckin' Egypt" which just stood for so fuckin far away you won't believe it. "Damn, who parked the car in BFE?" Buttfuck, XX (usually a state, could be another country) just meant a super backwoods, fucked up place. "So glad I finally got out of …
origin of BFE : r/etymology - Reddit
Aug 15, 2013 · In about 1982 while living in North Carolina at the time, I thought the phrase was catchy but too long of a phrase to say so I shortened it to BFE and it caught on. - Mike Hughes Reply reply
Has anyone else used the term "BFE" to describe a rural area?
I was always told BFE was originally Chicago slang for the southern part of Illinois. That part of the state is known as "Little Egypt" because there are several cities named after cities in Egypt (Cairo, Thebes, Karnak, etc.).
Are there any negative connotations of the phrase "BFE"? - Reddit
Feb 3, 2022 · One such phrase I've been questioning recently is "BFE" or "Bum-Fuck Egypt". For context, it is used to describe something out in the middle of nowhere, far away from everything else. Is it crude? Definitely. But is it problematic? Does it have racist connotations? Is the inclusion of Egypt in the phrase a dig at something?
Summary of all tags? : r/GWABackstage - Reddit
Jul 14, 2020 · BFE - boyfriend experience CNC - consent/non consent aka coercion aka rape (for the purposes of GWA) DDLG - Dear Daddy Little Girl BWC - Big White Cock JOE - Jerk (or Jill) Off Experience NC - non consent aka rape
Understanding Floodplains and Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Maps
May 9, 2016 · The blue lines might be floodplain boundary lines, but the map legend will tell you what they actually mean. The brown lines might indicate the BFE, (looks like 81.6) but again, the map legend will tell you. Your architect will be interested in the BFE, and your insurance company will be interested in the flood hazard zone.
If you don't drive here, you can't save here (DUMB SLOGAN)
Apr 13, 2019 · The slogan is quite old, and that dealership is way out in centennial, which used to be considered BFE. Meaning, its a long drive but worth it for their low prices. Car dealers are not competitive in Vegas as we are basically an island- SoCal and SoUtah are several hours away and over state lines; most folks arent going to bother to leave vegas ...
Has anyone ever heard of BFE Corporation Limited? Also my
Jul 10, 2021 · About a day later, stated Item was being handeled by BFE Corp. Limited and was in Jamaica, NY. Essentially same thing as you. Walmart states (via website) that I should be able to be reimbursed a few days after stated delivery or if described wrong.
Questions about BFE... : r/bonnaroo - Reddit
Jun 12, 2013 · Last year we were the LAST line in BFE (arrived around 5am on Thu) and the walk was at least 35-40 minutes. It was brutal but we toughed it out. Made for some great conversations on the way back about what we saw.