Axolotl Sanctuary - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Axolotl-Friendly Aquascaping. This article is an in-depth introduction to aquascaping an aquarium to make it a beautiful, practical and a happy home for Axolotls. Aquascaping is simply the art of creating an under-water landscape, and what better place to do that than in your axolotl’s home?
Axolotl Aquascape? - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Apr 26, 2013 · It won't be a true "aquascape" per say, but I'm setting up a tank right now (2ftx1ftx1ft) to maximize axolotl comfort, enrichment, cleanliness, and aesthetics with the use of rocks and live plants. I wont be getting my axolotl for another 2 weeks, but I want to make sure everything is perfect...
Photo: Planted Axolotl Aquascape Tank - Caudata.org: Newts and ...
Oct 18, 2010 · Hi, I recently set up a new, four foot axolotl tank for my two axies. My set-up includes a 4ft, 190L tank, an Eheim 2213 Classic external canister filter, a 40W fleurescent light, 2 air stones and a 300W heater. The output of the canister filter is …
Post your axolotl aquascape/aquarium art set-up?
Oct 16, 2014 · Hey guys, so i basically want to hear from all those people that have taken their tank set-up to a whole new level. What substrate, plant life, wood, decor and anything else you used to create what your lotl(s) call home!
DIY Axolotl Decor? - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Apr 24, 2015 · My wifes 6x2x2 Axolotl aquascape step by step If you are lucky enough to have access to a kiln then your imagination is the limit on any hide you would want to create. As long as there are no sharp edges, its big enough for the axolotl, it has been fired to the optimum Temperature and sealed with a waterproof glaze or nontoxic finish it should ...
Make Axolotl happier - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Mar 1, 2018 · Joined Sep 25, 2012 Messages 1,240 Reaction score 17 Points 0 Location NSW Country Australia Display Name Hayley
Photo: Planted Axolotl Aquascape Tank - caudata.org
Jan 31, 2011 · As you said above the problem with most true floating plants is keeping them in one place :rolleyes: you could place some sort of physical barrier across the surface to keep it contained, kind of like they do with those big long floating hoses in oil spils but most tend to defy that system and...
Thanks for having me caudata.org - Caudata.org: Newts and …
Aug 9, 2018 · Hey everyone! My name is Luke and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I have been looking at this site for many months now since i got my axolotl, but have only just recently decided to join the community. I enjoy seeing photos of aquascape tanks or just cool set ups in general, as well as seeing...
Plants that are ideal for axolotl | Caudata.org: Newts and …
Jun 28, 2010 · Some recommend plants: Anubias Nana - great plant, virtually indestructible, hardy and low maintenance. Anubias Isabelle - very tough, taller than the Nana.
Toys for Axolotls??? | Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Jul 12, 2014 · I agree about the ball lol. The moss ball will fit right in and I wouldn't be surprised if your axie did at least check it out. I thought my axolotl wouldn't but less than half an hour after I tossed it in he had his face against it seeing what it was. I mainly find the moss ball has moved an inch or two more than seeing him on it.