The U.S. Army Invented Five Fake Countries | by War Is Boring
May 17, 2016 · The fictional countries of Ariana, Atropia, Donovia, Gorgas and Limaria are clustered in a fictional Caucasian landscape that stretches between the real-world borders of Russia and Iran....
5 Fictional Countries Where the U.S. Army is Trained to Fight
Feb 12, 2025 · Such countries as Donovia, Gorgas, Minaria, Atropia, and Ariana are each in some way either a vital U.S. interest or a belligerent state.
Atropia Geospatial Content - TRADOC G2 Operational …
Apr 2, 2024 · Ariana contains a large internal Atropian ethnic minority and disagrees with Atropia over the delineation of Caspian Sea oil and gas fields. Atropia, a majority Shia nation, resists...
Atropia | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
Atropia possesses significant oil and gas reserves in both the northeast and the Caspian Sea. Further, the Trans-Caucasus petroleum (TC-P) pipeline, one of the most critical infrastructure components in the region, originates near its capital Baku.
5 Fake Enemies US Troops Have Been Battling For Decades
Oct 22, 2020 · A force from Ariana — an enemy nation seeking nuclear weapons and hostile to the U.S. and Israel which sounds kind of like Iran — the ASPF constantly invades its neighbor in Atropia, a key U.S. ally.
US military and coalition forces support AtropianDefesne Forces (ADF). Mission: Support Government of Atropia (GoA) in expelling Ariana forces from Atropia and eliminating the enemy’s offensive...
Limaria | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
Tensions still exist with Atropia over Lower Janga, an Atropian province that is currently occupied by ethnic Limarians. Additionally, Limaria’s improved trade relations with Ariana have created tension with the US.
Social: Atropia - WEG MediaWiki
Atropians have links with Ariana, especially to the large Atropian minority there. Any Arianian attacks on the Atropian minority in Ariana, however, could trigger a reaction from the Atropian...
Donovia, Gorgas, Minaria, Atropia, and Ariana; four Tiers of ...
Dec 16, 2021 · Meanwhile, Atropia also faces a threat from Minaria, a relatively weak country with ties to the Donovians. Minaria’s grudge against Atropia comes from a border dispute over Artzak province. (Atropia controls it, though its population consists mostly of ethnic Minarians.)
Operates throughout Atropia in three separate major commands (North, South and Central commands ) focusing on the eight provinces in the south that have cultural ties with Ariana Intent is to create a separate country comprised ethnic southern Atropians Relates culturally to Ariana
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