Best Apple II joystick - Apple II Computers - AtariAge Forums
Feb 4, 2023 · Good Apple II emulators usually had a user-input value for the centered position of a joystick when it was emulated with keys, as the centered range varied game to game (hold …
Best available joystick for an apple IIGS? - Apple II Computers ...
Mar 19, 2016 · That joystick model is poor choice. I rather have CH products over Apple joystick. No, it is not Atari plug. It is opposite , it is male plug , not female plug that is normal for Atari, …
How do I read the position of an Apple II joystick?
Jun 5, 2020 · The typical Apple II joystick appears to the computer as a pair of analog game paddles and two buttons. The easiest way to read the joystick position is from Applesoft …
Apple II joystick game problems - AtariAge Forums
Jan 12, 2016 · Most Apple II joysticks have a trim control, usually knobs or sliders for each axis (X and Y). The common designs have them easy to reach, but occasionally they require a flat …
Apple II Digital Joystick - AtariAge Forums
May 14, 2016 · I have wired a atari stick to my apple 2 and it works fine for games with digital type inputs to get around the 100 vs 150K pot issue all you have to do is add some capacitance …
II/IIgs joystick adapter? - Apple II Computers - AtariAge Forums
Nov 15, 2019 · Most of the Apple II games use simplified routines to read the joystick because of timing limitations set by the circuit when two paddle values are read. This means, almost every …
Joystick Compatability - Apple II Computers - AtariAge Forums
Jan 21, 2018 · Many PC/Apple joysticks of the era were just PC sticks with an apple II adapter and the joystick had a switch for IBM or APPLE. I have a few of these. Sadly on ebay a lot of …
Trouble with Apple IIc and joystick control - Apple II Computers ...
Jan 27, 2013 · But then I tried to play the same games on my Apple IIgs, with the same joystick connected, and they will just go crazy on the axis movement... the buttons work fine, the …
apple ii - Testing/using a joystick in AppleSoft? - Retrocomputing ...
May 27, 2016 · The paddles and joysticks on the Apple work by charging a capacitor through a variable resistance (potentiometer). For the first joystick, the X-axis corresponds to paddle 0, …
BYTEBOOSTERS Atari joystick converter for Apple II not working
Sep 5, 2020 · Unless this thing taps the keyboard port and emulates pressing the arrow keys (which it does not appear to do), you really need an analog joystick for an Apple II anyway. …