Antigone (Sophocles play) - Wikipedia
Antigona Furiosa, written in the period of 1985-86 by Griselda Gambaro, is an Argentinian drama heavily influenced by Antigone by Sophocles, and comments on an era of government terrorism that later transformed into the Dirty War of Argentina.
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Antigona se je odločila, da bo klub kraljevi prepovedi pokopala svojega brata, njena sestra Ismena pa ji je to branila. Vendar pa kraljeve grožnje s smrtjo niso preprečile načrtov Antigone.
EDITED BY Muhua Yang, Dexter Summers, Adonica McCray, Sheridan Marsh, Phoebe Lindsay, Chloe Brooks, Mitch Polonsky, Alice Donnellan
The Internet Classics Archive | Antigone by Sophocles
Antigone By Sophocles Written 442 B.C.E Translated by R. C. Jebb Dramatis Personae daughters of Oedipus: ANTIGONE ISMENE CREON, King of Thebes EURYDICE, his wife HAEMON, his son TEIRESIAS, the blind prophet GUARD, set to watch the corpse of Polyneices FIRST MESSENGER SECOND MESSENGER, from the house CHORUS OF THEBAN ELDERS
Antigone (Sophocles) - Wikisource, the free online library
Jul 7, 2024 · Ἀντιγόνη (Antigonē) is a tragedy by Sophocles. In the play, Antigone plans to bury the body of her brother Polyneices in defiance of an edict by King Creon. Antigone is one of the three "Theban" plays of Sophocles, treating the story of Oedipus and his children. However, the three plays were not created as a trilogy, and were written out of chronological sequence at different times ...
napove svojo smrt. Vseeno pa malo popusti in Is Razplet: Sestavljen iz Četrtega in Petega prizora. klenjena Antigona. Kreon po prepiru s sinom Hajmonom ukaže Antigono zapr ti v skalnat grob. Antigona izliva svoja čustva, je osamljena, čuti da nima nikogar, ki bi jokal za n o, in zapuščena. Zaveda se, da nikoli več ne bo videl
Antigona - rozbor díla k maturitě (2) | Rozbor-dila.cz
Antigona byla dcera thébského krále Oidipa a jeho manželky a matky Iokasty. Měla dva bratry, Eteokla a Polyneika, jejichž boj o nástupnictví skončil smrtí obou.
Sophocles, Antigone, line 1 - Perseus Digital Library
Sophocles. Sophocles. Vol 1: Oedipus the king. Oedipus at Colonus. Antigone. With an English translation by F. Storr. The Loeb classical library, 20. Francis Storr. London; New York. William Heinemann Ltd.; The Macmillan Company. 1912. The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text.
Antigone by Sophocles - Project Gutenberg
Apr 12, 2017 · "Antigone" by Sophocles is a classic Greek tragedy written in the 5th century BC. The play revolves around the central character, Antigone, a determined and principled young woman who defies the edict of King Creon, her uncle, to honor her deceased brother with a proper burial according to divine laws. The themes of familial loyalty, civil disobedience, and the conflict between human laws and ...
“Antigone” is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, written around 442 BCE. Although it was written before Sophocles ’ other two Theban plays, chronologically it comes after the stories in “Oedipus the King” and “Oedipus at Colonus”, and it picks up where Aeschylus ‘ play “Seven Against Thebes” ends. It deals with Antigone ’s burial of her brother Polynices ...