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    Angel Dust - X-Men Movies Wiki

    • Workshop
      After obtaining her powers through the Workshop program, Angel Dust became Ajax's right-hand and would assist him in continui… See more


    Angel Dust is tough, menacing, and sadistic. Although a victim of the Workshop herself, she carries out most of the unethical experiments at the facility without hesitation and had no qualms torturing the patients the… See more

    Powers and Abilities

    1. Adrenaline Activation: Angel Dust draws her powers from her adrenaline, which she … See more


    1. Ajax† - Former Boss 2. The Recruiter† - Former Ally
    1. Colossus- Enemy, Attempted Victim, and Savior 2. V… See more


    Although they never engaged in a battle against each other, Angel Dust is likely more powerful than Deadpool in terms of physical strength since she defeated Colossus, who was strong enough to take...
    Angel Dust … See more