The Alphabet Song - Super Simple Songs
Set to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, this song has been a part of almost everyone’s childhood. The Super Simple version is slowly paced allowing time for children to say each …
Phonics Fun - Super Simple
Phonics Fun introduces the alphabet to young learners with easy-to-learn songs and engaging animation. With a song for each letter of the alphabet and several review songs, learning the …
The A Song (Lowercase) - Super Simple
* Videos may display advertisements. See where you can watch Super Simple ad-free. Join us as we sing our way through the alphabet, starting with “The A Song.” Learn the letters and the …
The Alphabet Chant - Super Simple Songs
Here’s the perfect song to learn and review your ABCs with Noodle & Pals!! But watch out, each time through gets a little faster. Can you keep up!?
Turn & Learn – Learn Letter A - Super Simple
Turn & Learn ABCs is a great way to learn the letters of the alphabet and simple vocabulary. In this video, flip the alphabet tiles to reveal words starting with the letter A.
The Alphabet Song - Super Simple
When he knocks all the magnet letters off his board, Caitie helps him put all the letters back in order with the help of The Alphabet Song! Can you sing along with them?
Alphabet / Spelling - Super Simple
Learn your ABCs with these free resources from Super Simple. Games, worksheets, flashcards, songs, shows, and more!
How To Teach The Alphabet Song - Super Simple
Help your students recognize and practice their letters by giving them ABC flashcards and asking them to put them in order. Play this song in the background as they work.
ABC Hop - Super Simple Songs
Let’s play ABC Hop! We’re going to sing the ABC song, but if we see a bunny instead of a letter, we’re going to hop like a bunny! Here we go! A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, [HOP], …
ABC Quack | featuring Caitie - Super Simple Songs
ABC Quack a silly ABC song that is great for alphabet recognition and review! By randomly replacing letters with ducks, we are isolating each letter so the focus is on the individual letters …