Lancashire Safeguarding Partnership - 7 Minute Briefings
Topics for our 7MBs are evidenced-based and informed by areas such as Local Learning Reviews and Case Reports. Below you will find a variety of 7-Minute Briefings focussing on a number of different topics.
7 Minute Briefings - Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership
The concept of seven minute briefings is inspired by a technique from the FBI, based on research indicating that seven minutes is an optimal duration for effective learning and retention....
7-Minute Briefings
Jan 20, 2020 · In order to encourage continuous learning and maintain a skilled workforce, Warwickshire Safeguarding Adult's Board and Warwickshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership have introduced 7-minute briefings as a quick and simple way to share learning on a range of safeguarding topics.
7 Minute Briefings - Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership
7 Minute Briefings. A series of 7 minute briefings have been created as a learning aid for use in supervision, team meetings, or just as a reminder of the key issues around a particular theme or current issue. This suite of briefings will be regularly added to (newest at the top).
1. 7 minute briefings explained Seven minute briefings are based on a technique borrowed from the FBI. It is seven minutes is an ideal time span to concentrate and learn. . 4. The structure of each briefing will be the same, so it becomes easier to find the information, once managers are familiar with the format. 7. What to do next
7 Minute Briefings - Safer Bradford
Our 7 Minute briefings provide information on key topics useful for managers to use to support reflective discussion with practitioners. Research suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span to concentrate and learn.
7-minute briefs and learning resources to improve practice
We publish a 7 minute briefing as part of each Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) and Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) learning pack. All agencies completing a brief should record or...
7 Minute Briefings - Walsall Safeguarding Children
7-Minute Briefings (MB) are based on research which suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span in which to concentrate and learn. Learning for 7 minutes is manageable in most services and often more memorable as it is necessarily brief …
7-minute Briefings - Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding
This 7-Minute Briefing focuses on safer sleep advice for families where safeguarding risk factors exist. Key Messages (from The Lullaby Trust): -Babies should always be placed on their back in a clear cot or sleep space for every sleep, day or night.
7 Minute Briefings - Cysur
The Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board have agreed to utilise the 7 Minute Briefing template as a means to disseminate key information and guidance to staff, partners and the general public. The purpose of the template is to create a structured document which succinctly summarises key information so that it can be circulated effectively.