Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier | Ayinger Privatbrauerei - BeerAdvocate
500ml bottle, Duvel tulip, L3180 looks like the packing info, though I don’t know how to decipher it. Delicately hazed deep gold. The head is not large, creamy, and off-white. Oddly it’s slightly …
ESB | Fuller's - BeerAdvocate
Poured from a 500ml bottle. Pours a clear deep reddish brown with a caramel head . The malt hits you in the nose as you pour and the then the aroma of rich biscuit and banana . It tastes sweet …
Fundamental Theorem | Bottle Logic Brewing | BeerAdvocate
2019 vintage 500ml bottle poured into a Bottle Logic snifter at 42 degrees. Zero head, zero lacing, which is expected with this ABV. Inky black body with dark brown highlights. Aroma is bourbon …
Erdinger Weissbier Pikantus | Erdinger Weissbräu - BeerAdvocate
Poured from a 500ml bottle. L - Crystal clear beer with a dark brown color and ruby highlights when held up to the light. Head is a light tan color, pours tall and is moderately persistent. S - …
McEwan's Champion - BeerAdvocate
500ml bottle. L: Very dark chestnut with ruby edging. Thin, off-white head recedes to a cap but leaves sheets of lacing. S: Rich & sweet. Molasses & black cherry. T: Follows the nose. Dark …
Ruddles County | Greene King / Morland Brewery - BeerAdvocate
Poured from 500ml bottle. Body is rich copper colour with a large head which dissipates quickly leaving moderate lacing. Smell is yeasty and some fruity hops. Taste is quite watery with …
London Porter | Fuller's | BeerAdvocate
Poured from a 500ml bottle. Poured a deep red , almost black with a tight bubbled chocolate head . The smell is coffee and then chocolate and the tastes follows exactly, with bitter notes and a …
Mena Dhu Stout | St. Austell Brewery | BeerAdvocate
May 18, 2016 · 500 ml bottle conditioned, from Det Gode Brygg, Sandnes. ABV is 4.5%. Black colour, large beige head. Aroma of moderately roasted malts and smoked malts, hints of …
Gran Riserva Rossa | Birra Peroni Industriale S.p.A. - BeerAdvocate
Feb 10, 2014 · Sestri Levante 18/7 2024. 50 cl chubby bottle from Carrefour Express, Via Nazionale, Sestri Levante. Red label with golden border and a little logo with Corn Ears …
Riggwelter Yorkshire Ale | Black Sheep Brewery PLC - BeerAdvocate
Poured from a 500ml bottle. Pours a deep russet red/brown with a finger thick, slightly domed soft cocoa head. The aroma is of malt, caramel, bread and alcohol and the taste is full. Toffee …