.22 mag vs. .17hmr | Sniper's Hide Forum
May 9, 2012 · Re: .22 mag vs. .17hmr Sir, At the ranges you state, either will be fine. I found the HMR to really fall off in energy and drift badly past 100. The 22 mag with the 40 grain bullets is a good 150 yard killer on ground hogs if you get PERFECT shot placement. I use the Win Hollowpoint. Kills bobcats, coyotes and groundhogs very well. RTH
.22mag vs .17hmr vs .17wsm | Sniper's Hide Forum
Oct 3, 2020 · I have or have had all three even had all three at the same time and of the three, in a rifle, the 17 WSM easily trumps the 22mag, with any bullet, as well as the 17 HMR, also with any bullet. The 17 WSM shoots flatter and has more energy at all distances and substantially more once you start getting past 100 yds than either the 22 mag or 17 ...
.22 WMR vs. 17 HMR | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jan 1, 2010 · Re: .22 WMR vs. 17 HMR On smaller game under 150yd the .17. If you look at the federal ballistics for wind and drop the .17 beats the 22 wmr hands down, even the 50gr 22 wmr has more wind drift than the .17 at 150 yards.
.17 HMR or .22 Magnum and which rifle? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Dec 21, 2011 · Re: .17 HMR or .22 Magnum and which rifle? I'll have to agree with most of the above. The only hunting I do with rimfire is Prairie Dogs. I usually take a few .22lrs, a .17hmr and a .22 mag. My .17 is a Savage 93 heavy barrel and my .22 mag is a (/sigh perfect condition) Anschutz 1515-1516 that I probably shouldn't be dragging through the field.
.22 vs 17hmr | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 24, 2020 · I had been planning to get a savage mk2 in .22 for the purpose of target out to 100 yards. Today i was at the store, and there was no .22. Plenty of 17hmr though, and it got me thinking. I own a m&p 15-22 already, and an ar15. 17hmr looks like half the price of .223. The s&w shoots a 2” at 100...
.17HMR or .22 mag? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jan 14, 2010 · Re: .17HMR or .22 mag? Agreed, both. Out to 100 yards the 22wmr is a useful round. Past 100 the 17 hmr carries better velocity and accuracy. Nice thing about a rifle that accepts multiple barrels, match caliber to purpose while maintaining rifle and trigger feel and weight. Availability of ammo is useful too.
Expected and realistic 22 magnum accuracy - Sniper's Hide
Apr 12, 2020 · So, If a 22 mag isn’t enough and a person doesn’t want to use a 223 the only other choices are 17 hornet, 22 hornet. and 204 Ruger -if choosing an off the shelf rifle. Click to expand... I don't have as much experience with the 17HMR so I can't/shouldn't speak to it's capabilities but I do have tons of experience with the 17WSM and 22WMR.
22LR vs 17HMR | Sniper's Hide Forum
May 7, 2011 · The 22-250 is a lot faster, but the bullet is a lot lighter, and generally pretty short to get the weight low enough to attain the high MV's. The 22-250 is not a viable option at 1,000 yards because the bullet has such a low BC that the high MV is not retained very well. This is similar to the 17 HMR.
.17 hmr. | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jun 4, 2020 · I had a thread going a while back about 22 mag expectations. The consensus was ammo quality is the culprit which @justin amateur i believe you may have been one of the folks to point that out. So, from reading this thread it seems the same problem exists for the 17hmr.
10/22 magnum to 17 HMR conversion | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jun 20, 2009 · Re: 10/22 magnum to 17 HMR conversion there was a thread here somewhere a few months ago, and i know RFC has something as a sticky. the manufacturer's - remington, ruger, magnum research, others - are willing to convert those that …