Premiere a new video - YouTube Help - Google Help
To schedule the premiere for later, click Schedule Enter a date and time Check Set as Premiere. To choose a countdown theme and countdown length, click Set up Premiere. Click Done or …
YouTube Premiere tips - YouTube Help - Google Help
Each premiere comes with its own pre-release landing page and URL. Use these resources to promote the premiere through posts, social and pinned comments. Tell your viewers that you …
Customize your Premiere - YouTube Help - Google Help
Select Set as Premiere checkbox SET UP PREMIERE. In the "Set up premiere" popup, select the countdown theme and length from the drop-down menus. Show a trailer. Get your live …
Première di un nuovo video - Guida di YouTube - Google Help
YouTube Première consente a te e ai tuoi spettatori di guardare e scoprire nuovi video insieme in tempo reale.
Premiere video baru - Bantuan YouTube - Google Help
Untuk menjadwalkan Premiere untuk nanti, klik Jadwalkan Masukkan tanggal dan waktu Centang Jadikan Premiere. Untuk memilih tema dan durasi hitung mundur, klik Siapkan Premiere. Klik …
Diffuser une Première - Aide YouTube - Google Help
Grâce aux Premières YouTube, vos spectateurs peuvent regarder en temps réel et en votre compagnie les nouvelles vidéos que vous mettez en ligne.
Premiere a new video - YouTube Help - Google Help
To immediately premiere the video, click Save or publish Public Set as instant Premiere. The video will premiere when the video finishes processing. To schedule the Premiere for later, …
Use Live Chat during your live stream or Premiere
Schedule or start a live stream or a Premiere. From the bottom of the chat window, click Start a Q&A. Add a prompt and click Start Q&A. Answer questions from the chat. Once you start a …
Premiere eines neuen Videos - YouTube-Hilfe - Google Help
Die Premiere wird gestartet, sobald das Video verarbeitet wurde. Wenn du die Premiere für später planen möchtest, klicke auf Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt festlegen gib ein Startdatum ein setze …
How to use YouTube Live Redirect - YouTube Help - Google Help
To redirect your premiere viewers: Go to YouTube Studio. Click Content . Go to the Live tab. Hover over the Premiere video you want to redirect from Edit . Click Customization. Under …