Florida Tropical Plants | Florida Native Trees
This is a guide to the trees of south Florida, including both natives and naturalized non-natives. Characteristics of leaf and twig, bark, flowers, fruits, habitat, and general growth form are …
Origins of South Florida Trees
South Florida’s trees are diverse, indeed! The national parks and reserves, national wildlife refuges, state parks, and the many county natural areas of this subtropical region present the …
Trees with alternate, simple leaves 1 | South Florida Trees
Trees with alternate, simple leaves – This is the largest group; many of the trees, although of different plant families, have similar leaves with pointed drip tips; identification will require …
Get the book! - South Florida Trees
South Florida Trees: A Field Guide is now available as both a print book and an eBook! The field guide has all of the information on this website plus much more, including complete coverage …
Sabal Palm - South Florida Trees
Habitat: Common throughout Florida along canals, in sandy soils, and in other habitats. Growth Form: Shrub to medium-sized tree. Key Features: The V-shaped leaf is unique and is the key …
Inkwood - South Florida Trees
Inkwood Exothea paniculata Plant Family: Sapindaceae Leaves: Alternate, once-compound, with 4 (sometimes 6) shiny, elliptic leaflets. Bark: Light gray-brown, roughened. Flowers: Dioecious, …
Conifers - South Florida Trees
South Florida conifers include three species of pine, two species of bald cypress, and a juniper. Longleaf Pine ( Pinus palustris ) is a tall tree with an open crown that ranges over the …
Bahama Strongbark - South Florida Trees
Bahama Strongbark Bourreria succulenta Plant Family: Boraginaceae Leaves: Alternate, simple, obovate, smooth, to 10 cm, the apices are rounded or may be notched, lighter green beneath. …
Rough Velvetseed | South Florida Trees
Comments: Rough Velvetseed ranges from south Florida through the West Indies to Central and South America.
Elderberry - South Florida Trees
Flowers: White, with 5 petals, individually small, but held in large rounded or flat-topped showy clusters at the branch ends; found in late winter to spring in south Florida, late spring further …