New Mexico to Kansas - 8 ways to travel via train, plane
There are 8 ways to get from New Mexico to Kansas by plane, bus (Greyhound), train, night bus, car, or bus. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
Kansas to New Mexico drive - plan a road trip
Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Kansas to New Mexico. If you're planning a road trip to New Mexico, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather.
How far is New Mexico from Kansas - driving distance - Trippy
How far is New Mexico from Kansas? Here's the quick answer if you don't sleep at all, or you have a friend with you so each person can drive some of the way, letting you make the entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 643 miles or 1035 km. Driving time: 10 hours, 39 minutes.
Driving Distance from Kansas to New Mexico - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Kansas to New Mexico is 643 miles or 1 035 kilometers. Your trip begins in the state of Kansas. It ends in the state of New Mexico.
Comparison Profile prepared by the New Mexico Economic Development Department State Data Center Page 1 of 4 DEMOGRAPHICS Kansas New Mexico Population, Age and Sex
Distance from Kansas to New Mexico
distance from Kansas to New Mexico = 53 miles. Kansas and New Mexico don't share a border so this is the shortest straight line distance from the CO-KS state line to the CO-NM state line. driving distance from Kansas to New Mexico = 79 miles.
Distance from Albuquerque, NM to Kansas City, MO - Distance …
Albuquerque and Kansas City are 12 hours 37 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Albuquerque, NM to Kansas City, MO. The halfway point is Elk City, OK. Please note the time difference between Albuquerque, NM and Kansas City, MO is 1 hour.
New Mexico - Wikipedia
New Mexico's largest city is Albuquerque, and its state capital is Santa Fe, the oldest state capital in the U.S., founded in 1610 as the government seat of Nuevo México in New Spain, as well as the highest at 6,998 feet (2,133 m).
Exploring the Route: Kansas City to New Mexico Adventure
Apr 5, 2024 · Embarking from Kansas City to New Mexico offers an exciting adventure that combines the beauty of expansive landscapes, rich cultural history, and unparalleled outdoor activities. Travelers can look forward to experiencing the vibrant blend of Native American, Hispanic, and Wild West cultures that make New Mexico a unique travel destination.
Kansas to New Mexico - 8 ways to travel via train, plane
There are 8 ways to get from Kansas to New Mexico by plane, bus (Greyhound), night bus, train, car, bus, or shuttle. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.