5 Fictional Countries Where the U.S. Army is Trained to Fight
Feb 12, 2025 · Such countries as Donovia, Gorgas, Minaria, Atropia, and Ariana are each in some way either a vital U.S. interest or a belligerent state.
Atropia Geospatial Content - TRADOC G2 Operational …
Apr 2, 2024 · The Republic of Atropia is vulnerable because of its natural resources and as a result of conflicts over its province of Lower Janga. Atropia possesses significant oil and gas reserves in both...
Atropia | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
The Republic of Atropia is vulnerable because of its natural resources and as a result of conflicts over its province of Lower Janga. Atropia possesses significant oil and gas reserves in both the northeast and the Caspian Sea.
COMBATANT - Atropia Geospatial Content | TRADOC G2 …
The Republic of Atropia is vulnerable because of its natural resources and as a result of conflicts over its province of Lower Janga. Atropia possesses
In the west are the Atropian provinces of Agdash and Muhksa through which 1AD’s lines of communication and supply pass. Further west is the nation of Gorgas, where the Corps’ SPODs and APODs are...
Eurasia | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
The Republic of Atropia is vulnerable because of its natural resources and as a result of conflicts over its province of Lower Janga. The Democratic Republic of Gorgas, like Atropia, is a small yet fiercely independent state in a fragile and dangerous …
The U.S. Army Invented Five Fake Countries | by War Is Boring
May 17, 2016 · The fictional countries of Ariana, Atropia, Donovia, Gorgas and Limaria are clustered in a fictional Caucasian landscape that stretches between the real-world borders of Russia and Iran.
Limaria | Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE)
Tensions still exist with Atropia over Lower Janga, an Atropian province that is currently occupied by ethnic Limarians. Additionally, Limaria’s improved trade relations with Ariana have created tension with the US.
#DAweek: Welcome to Atropia - From the Green Notebook
Mar 25, 2017 · The commander of the Donovian Operational Strategic Command South (OSC-South) has just given the order to invade Atropia. Supported by separatist fighters from the Belusavar Freedom Brigade (BFB), their task is to seize key natural resources and annex the newly acquired territory.
1st AD OPORD 14-01: Atropian Iron Military Operation Order
In the west are the Atropian provinces of Agdash and Muhksa through which 1AD’s lines of communication and supply pass. Further west is the nation of Gorgas, where the Corps’ SPODs and APODs are located. To the east are the provinces of Hachzi and Sirvaki, both critical as 1st AD considers the protection of its eastern flank.
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