School of Law : SLU - Saint Louis University
6 days ago · Saint Louis University School of Law is a globally connected Catholic, Jesuit law school in an urban setting with 175 years of history. The strength of the faculty, breadth of course offerings and extensive clinical and professional skills experiences provide students with a well-rounded legal ...
Saint Louis University Law Journal | Saint Louis University School of …
The Saint Louis University Law Journal is the oldest publication at Saint Louis University School of Law. Law students edit and produce the Journal, which the School of Law sponsors.
Scholarship Commons | Saint Louis University School of Law …
The Scholarship Commons preserves and provides global access to Saint Louis University School of Law's scholarly output. It is a service of the Vincent C. Immel Law Library.
SLU Law Journal Online | Saint Louis University School of Law
THE MISGUIDED USE OF THE HARVARD/UNC RULING TO THWART LAW FIRM AND OTHER PRIVATE EMPLOYER DEI EFFORTS. Ronald A. Norwood. This article explores the Harvard/UNC ruling and what, in the author’s view, is the misguided efforts by certain political and well-financed private actors to use that ruling to justify the eradication of private employers and law firm DEI efforts.
Saint Louis University Law Journal: All Issues
Volume 68 Number 1 (2023): General Issue (Fall 2023) Number 2 (2024): Symposium Issue (Winter 2024) Number 3 (2024): Teaching Legal Research, Writing, Communication, and Feedback (Spring 2024)
Saint Louis University Public Law Review | Saint Louis University ...
The Saint Louis University Public Law Review was a specialty journal edited by students that published biannual issues from 1981 through 2017.
SLU Law Journal Online | Saint Louis University School of Law
ABA Model Rule 8.4(g): National Adoption is Long Overdue. Sara Rakowiecki. In 2016, the American Bar Association amended the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to include Rule 8.4(g) in an attempt to include a prohibition against discrimination and harassment with conduct related to the practice of law.
Law Journal Symposia - Saint Louis University
Follow. Browse the Law Journal Symposia Collections: . Journal of Health Law & Policy Symposia. Law Journal Symposia: Center for International and Comparative Law. Law Journal Symposia: William C. Wefel Center for Employment Law
About This Journal - Saint Louis University Law Journal
About This Journal. The Saint Louis University Law Journal is the oldest publication at Saint Louis University School of Law. Law students edit and produce the Journal, which the School of Law sponsors.
s. aint . l. ouis . u. niversity . s. chool of . l. aw. 585. from a distance: pro viding online academ ic support and bar exam preparation to law students and alumni during the covid-19 pandemic