Interactive Flood Information Map - National Weather Service
Click on a state to learn more about the types of flooding experienced there and how residents can protect their lives and property. You will also find information on the top 5 floods for each state, learn which National Weather Service offices forecast for the area and more!
National Water Prediction Service - NOAA
Click HERE for help with NWPS or our NEW Flood Mapping Services. Comments? Questions? Please Contact [email protected].
National Weather Service
Lake effect snow will continue downwind of Lake Ontario through Monday, potentially dropping up to a foot of snow. A few inches of snow is possible downwind of Lake Erie. Arctic high pressure will usher in well below normal temperatures across the …
NWS Hydrologic Services - National Weather Service
Aug 10, 2017 · As the nation grows, more segments of society become vulnerable to flooding. The National Weather Service is working to expand and improve hydrologic forecast and warning information in order to meet these growing demands. Over half the fatalities associated with hurricanes have been related to inland flooding during the past 30 years.
NWS Alerts
The alerts web service displays NWS watches, warnings, advisories, and similar products. Click the main menu down-arrow for a quick guide and documentation. Select a location option to begin your search for alerts.
NWS Significant Flood Outlook - Weather Prediction Center
Notice: This Flood Outlook is intended to provide a general outlook for significant river flooding. It is not intended to depict all areas of minor flooding or small-scale events such as localized flooding and/or flash flooding.
Intense Rainfall and Flash Flood Reports - Weather Prediction Center
This web page displays flood and flash flood reports as well as intense rainfall reports and proxies. The observations include: National Weather Service (NWS) Local Storm Reports (LSRs) for Flash Flood, Flood, and Heavy Rain. To create regional subsets, select the Lasso or Box Tool at the top right of the map.
Excessive Rainfall Outlook (ERO) Interactive Display
This web page depicts the Excessive Rainfall Outlook (ERO). In the ERO, the Weather Prediction Center (WPC) forecasts the probability that rainfall will exceed flash flood guidance (FFG) within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of a point.
National Weather Service launches new website for water …
Mar 28, 2024 · NOAA’s National Weather Service launched a new website today: The National Water Prediction Service. This new hub for water data, products and services combines local and regional forecasts with water data and new national level capabilities, such as flood inundation maps and the National Water Model. "This online water hub is modern
River Levels - Graphs | NOAA Climate.gov
A color-coded map indicates current river levels or flood stages for more than 6,500 streamgages in U.S. states and territories. Zoom to a region of interest and hover over any dot to generate a hydrograph of recently observed water levels at that site.