How do you make the Crusader good? :: Darkest Dungeon® …
Jan 22, 2017 · The Crusader is not a "one-man army" the way the Leper is, but he is definitely more versatile. Holy Lance is actually quite a good skill, a high-damage backrow-targetting attack which lets him function well in dancing parties or deal with ambushes (an ambushed leper is a useless lump of flesh 2/3 of the time, more or less).
Crusader or Leper? :: Darkest Dungeon® General Discussions
Jan 1, 2018 · A shuffled Crusader has two potential options (one of which can attack the back ranks). Leper has neither a shuffle-response nor any backrank damage of note. Crusader has a stun to assist with recovery. Leper has no control at all aside from a pushback. Crusader can assist with stress-heals for the party - an ability which can also negate DDoor.
AceroSteel's Abysswalker Crusader Skin - Steam Community
Oct 24, 2017 · @Bloody Carrot Key besides the folders, you gotta also rename the "crusader_R", "crusader_S" instances in a text file called "modfiles". It should be above (in folder level) the "heroes" folder in the workshop location. Open the "modfiles" with notepad or notepad++, replace the letters in every instance and save the file, then it should work.
Is the Crusader class trash tier? :: Darkest Dungeon® General …
Dec 27, 2024 · Quad Crusader may be somewhat of a meme, but it's still a testament to the overall power and versatility of Crusaders. Again, he's a single team rolled into a single slot, so even if you stack them, you have healers, soothing, stunners, damage, tanks, camping (including stress and anti-ambush), mobility, torch-raise, the works.
Can anyone give me a few team comps that work well together? :: …
Jan 5, 2025 · Ive beaten the game once, and ive been having a hard time getting to the end on the 2nd mode. The problem im having is understanding what pairs well together. I tend to use the zealot and crusader a lot. I like the healing, and damage it provides. as for the other 2, its been all over the place. Any tips you guys can give would be greatly appreciated
Stats for the crusader's paths? :: Darkest Dungeon® II General …
Dec 30, 2023 · With that build, you could pop Crusader into almost any composition imaginable. The only way you could not contribute was having the entire enemy team dead except R1, while CRU is in the back-ranks with no heroes requiring healing or stress-healing - which means your lack of contribution is going towards the most dominant victory possible, so ...
Is this a good Crusader build? :: Darkest Dungeon® General …
May 20, 2023 · Most dungeon types have a specific grunt that is endemic to that dungeon, generally of the prevailing type, like the fishsticks in Cove. They're usually fairly low hp but fairly high damage. If I can take someone who is reliably hitting every time anyway and make one-hit kills the norm rather than a lucky shot, I like doing that.
Duelist and Crusader kinda... :: Darkest Dungeon® II General …
Dec 12, 2023 · Crusader has average supportive package His support package is great. Good heal, great soothing, regenerative taunt/guard, optional AoE Immobilize and/or AoE Block to nullify numerous mechanics, optional self-heals and self-soothes via bread-and-butter attacks to make full-time self-sustain - and plenty of combo potential.
Why the hell is it so hard to unlock the crusader?????? :: Darkest ...
Sep 2, 2024 · Like just give us the Crusader XD Like seriously he was a starting character, have the quest be for something else, maybe you could choose either the crusader or the duelist girl at the start that would feel more fair. This game is just loaded with far to much RNG everywhere that makes it impossible to strategize or depend on anything.
Multiple crusader parties - the only way to succeed? :: Darkest …
Feb 5, 2015 · Stress builds up easily, and Crusaders are the only class able to reduce it. A typical battle for me goes like this: *First 5 rounds - I kill all enemies except one of the simple melee guys *The next 20 TO 40 ROUNDS - I keep that last enemy alive and just tank his hits so that my Crusader can repeatedly cast 'Inspiring Cry' until my party's stress levels are down to a reasonable level. For ...