Lakes & Stormwater - City of Lakeland
The City’s lakes are vital to the citizens of Lakeland, providing opportunities for recreation, habitat and sanctuaries for wildlife, beautiful outdoor spaces to enjoy, and reducing local flooding potential.
Overview of Our Lakes | City of Lakeland
There are a total of 38 named lakes within City limits as well as numerous smaller lakes. Sizes among the 38 named lakes range from 2.5 acres (Lake Blanton) to 2,272 acres (Lake Parker). Interestingly, many of the lakes are connected via the City's stormwater drainage system.
Stormwater 101 - City of Lakeland
Stormwater flows through PCDs and pollutants are trapped. Pollutants can be removed from the PCD before polluting the lake. The City of Lakeland, Lakes & Stormwater Division has installed many PCDs in strategic locations around several lakes.
Stormwater Utility Program - City of Lakeland
In December 1999, the Lakeland City Commission adopted the Stormwater Utility to provide a dedicated funding source for operation and maintenance of our City’s stormwater system (to include extension and replacement), pollution abatement devices, and lake improvement projects.
Flood Prevention - City of Lakeland
Looking for flood risk information for a property within the City of Lakeland? Check out our new, public Forerunner Flood Website at https://lakelandfl.withforerunner.com/properties
Stormwater | City of Lakeland
Lakes & Stormwater. Email: Lakes&[email protected]; Pollution Hotline: 863.834.3300; Address: 407 Fairway Avenue, Lakeland Florida 33801
Lakeshore Residents - City of Lakeland
As a lakeshore resident, you will encounter changing environmental conditions, wildlife, recreational lake users (on most lakes) and governmental agencies.
Lakes & Stormwater Grants - City of Lakeland
On April 16, 2021, the DEO selected the City of Lakeland (City) to receive CDBG-MIT grant funds based on the Lake Bonnet Drainage Basin Flood Hazard and Debris Mitigation application submitted for the Rebuild Florida Mitigation General Infrastructure Program.
Toby's Water Warriors - City of Lakeland
Toby the Turtle and Ollie the Otter need your help to keep our lakes and rivers clean. When it rains, stormwater picks up pollution like litter, oil, and chemicals that can run off into storm drains. In the City of Lakeland, all storm drains discharge to a lake, pond, creek, or wetland area.
Stormwater FAQs - City of Lakeland
Stormwater flows through PCDs and pollutants are trapped. Pollutants can be removed from the PCD before polluting the lake. The City of Lakeland, Lakes & Stormwater Division has installed many PCDs in strategic locations around several lakes.