Responding to climate change - Washington State Department …
Sep 30, 2024 · We're Washington’s lead agency on climate change. The impacts of climate change are happening now and will continue to affect our communities and ecosystems for …
Washington's Climate Resilience Strategy
Prioritizes environmental justice and advances our focus on equity and reducing impacts of climate change on overburdened communities. Identifies ways the state can aid climate …
The Big Seven: Washington’s biggest climate policies
Washington state's climate policies all work towards one goal: reducing climate pollution 95% by 2050. State leaders have enacted numerous policies to fight climate change, but the seven …
Climate Change Impacts in the Northwest | USDA Climate Hubs
Because the Northwest Climate Hub region is diverse and expansive - containing everything from the highest peak in the United States (Denali) to dry sagebrush steppe - the effects of climate …
Home | Washington Climate Action
Climate change is harming our health, our safety and our economy. Washingtonians are stepping up to be part of the solution. Thanks to several nation-leading policies, Washingtonians have …
Climate change in Washington - Wikipedia
Climate change in the US state of Washington is a subject of study and projection today. The major impacts of climate change in Washington State include increase in carbon dioxide …
Climate Planning - Washington State Department of Commerce
Planning for climate change. Legislation signed into law in 2023 added a climate goal to the Growth Management Act (GMA) and requires local comprehensive plans to have a climate …
State lays out plan to tackle impacts of climate change in Washington
Sep 30, 2024 · Using the latest science as a foundation, the state’s climate strategy identifies actions that agencies will take to address the top climate change threats facing Washington: …
Climate Projections - Washington State Department of Health
To be able to plan for and adapt to these changes, we need to understand how the climate will change in Washington State, and what the impacts will be. Climate change projections provide …
Washington’s climate is changing. Over the past century, most of the state has warmed one to two degrees (F). Glaciers are retreating, the snowpack is melting earlier in the year, and the …