Ciénega - Wikipedia
A ciénega (also spelled ciénaga) is a wetland system unique to the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. Ciénagas are alkaline, freshwater, spongy, wet meadows with shallow …
Ciénega: A desert oasis | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Ciénega is a Spanish word derived from its literal translation “hundred waters” or “cien aguas”. These isolated, spring-fed wetland oases support unique and diverse plants and animals in the …
Ciénega San Bernardino - Wetland Restoration
Mar 19, 2018 · Desert marshes and wetlands, or “ciénegas”, are extremely biodiverse habitats imperiled by anthropogenic demands for water and changing climates. Given their widespread …
Cienega Wetland Restoration - Institute for Applied Ecology
A cienega is a rare wetland in the American Southwest characterized by spongy, waterlogged soils with standing water and unique vegetation adapted to alkaline soils. This type of wetland …
Arizona Ciénega | FWS.gov
Ciénegas are a rare type of wetland found only in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Like an oasis, they stand out as a verdant island in a sea of arid land. They’re fed by springs …
Cienega Ranch - Semi-desert Native Grassland Restoration
Oct 12, 2022 · At the Cienega Ranch, near Willcox, Arizona, in the foothills of the Dos Cabeza Mountains, a rancher is working to restore and conserve high- quality native grasslands and …
The Cienega de Santa Clara is a small remnant of the vast wetlands which once occupied the delta of the Colorado River. Created in 1976 by human engineering, it is fed by drain water …
Database of Cienega Locations in Southwestern United States and ...
Jan 3, 2022 · Cienegas are freshwater to brackish North American wetlands associated with fluvial systems of arid/semi-arid areas of the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico.
Desert marshes and wetlands, or “ciénegas”, are extremely biodiverse habitats imperiled by anthropogenic demands for water and changing climates. Given their widespread loss and …
Sespe Cienega - Santa Clara River Conservancy
Historically, artesian flows along the Santa Clara River near the City of Fillmore supported one of the most extensive freshwater wetland complexes in the lower watershed referred to as the …