Virtual 360 Honey Bee Hive - Ask A Biologist
Jun 13, 2017 · With this virtual beehive, you get the chance to visit different hives that are part of ongoing research at the ASU Honey Bee laboratory. Once you enter the beehive there are …
The Apiary Map - Beekeepers and apiaries on a map
The apiary map organizes beekeepers and their apiaries on a map. The purpose is simply to make it easy to see where your fellow beekeepers are and what bee race they have. Use the …
Bee Maps: Map
Experience the map - Map Feature Detections.
Beescape - The Center for Pollinator Research
Beescape is a web-based tool developed by Penn State University to help beekeepers, gardeners, urban planners, growers, researchers, and land managers assess the quality of …
Eyesonhives Beehive Monitor
Eyesonhives is a non-invasive beehive monitor for commercial beekeepers, researchers and hobbyists. It's easy, and based on fancy computer vision, video and AI.
Want more of our Digital Bee Hive? The Bee Cause Project has created a Digital Hive, bespoke with a cabinet frame modeled to replicate the design of the Observation Bee Hive, a model …
Data Sharing | Hive Monitoring - Center For Honeybee Research
We digitally measure all networked colony weights to tenths of a pound, delivered online every five minutes, displayed graphically in real time. This provides us with a visual map of colony …
New training tool - a virtual hive for beekeepers - Bees Abroad
Jan 26, 2018 · Bees Abroad trainers attach the photographs of brood frames to top bars/frames, then place them in a hive to make a visual hive – without a bee in sight! Using the visual hive …
Honey Bee Forage Map ~ Coverage Plants Area Range Radius …
Visualize how far from the hive your honey bees could fly while foraging for pollen and nectar. Choose between satellite and map view.
Beehive Mapping
Beehive Mapping creates custom maps for print and online publications. Cartographic services offered span the entire mapmaking process: data sourcing, GIS, map design, editorial services …